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Everything posted by atsaubrey

  1. atsaubrey

    Sundown demos in SOCAL

    thought I would bring this thread back to life. I am also willing to offer up Sundown amp demos in your system. We install it/them and listen for yourslf. I stock all of them minus the 3000D
  2. atsaubrey

    need another $425 shipped sale for saz1500d

    Thank the load, guys like me lost our hinneys. Naw just joshing, that was a sweet deal to get more of the Sundown name out there!
  3. atsaubrey

    SD-1 v.2 10" Blowout Sale

    I got mine last night. I am super impressed with the build quality! Beefy little sucker too!
  4. atsaubrey

    Vote for SAZ-1000D!

    I like the SAZ-1000D idea, but my opinion on the others is: (1) Turn the SAZ-3000D into an SAZ-4000D and drop the nightshade NS-4000D idea. (2) Instead of the SAE-800D, downsize the internals,heatsink,etc. and label it an SAE-500D for the plug & play crowd The NS-4000D is a totally different amp from the rest of the line and requires it's own separate line. Regulated power supply, totally different topology, heat-sink will have to be taller to accommodate all the huge parts, etc, etc. I'm not the biggest fan of anything over 3kw built in the same factory as the SAZ / SAX lines. They are good amps but service is a huge pain on them, and I don't like the idea of having a big, expensive, paper-weight left over if something happens to the amp. Besides, the NS-4000D is simply a superior design - plain and simple. I think the SAE line still needs an in between mode... 500D, 800D, and 1200D is the plan. I like the SAE500D idea and maybe a 1000 or 1200 but I dont see a reason for a 800D. An 800D would only mean 1.5db's in theory over the 500D and most people wouldnt be able to notice the difference. Of course I am speaking for a SPL stand point.
  5. atsaubrey

    5 channel power

    Agreed, if we had a big power 5 channel I do believe they would sell. A 100.4 + 1000D in one chassis would really be the trick. Of course we would have to look into the size of the footprint the thing would have. Talking about big numbers with small amps back in the day. I ran my truck back in the early 90's with a single Phoenix Gold M25 (25w x2) it ran a 10" sub, 2 6.5", 2 4", and 2 tweets all passive and in "mixed/3 channel mode" No idea on numbers but it was plenty loud.
  6. atsaubrey

    5 channel power

    Agreed, if we had a big power 5 channel I do believe they would sell. A 100.4 + 1000D in one chassis would really be the trick. Of course we would have to look into the size of the footprint the thing would have.
  7. atsaubrey

    Article posted in 12 Volt News

    Sweet, glad to see Sundown getting some love!
  8. atsaubrey


    Dude! Hook me up with some color for my amps my brother!
  9. atsaubrey


    Sorry fellas, this is what scares me in this biz. I would not even think about selling a 3000D to someone that I didnt verbally talk to before hand....a 3000D or any 3000wrms amp is not something to "play" around with. Please sir research and look up basic electrical info before you consider buying anything. Please!
  10. atsaubrey

    Jake 3000D info PLEASE

    Yes and that is what jacob recommends That is why i said take the subs wire it to 1 ohm (each not total/nominal load) then strap the amps (it would be impossible to get a 1ohm TOTAL/NOMINAL load with 2 dual 2ohms subs) thus the question what is the difference power and efficiency wise Keep in mind, if you strap the amps you will need to have a 2ohm nominal load. you have two choices here, wire the subs in seies then in parallel or run each off its own amp. To me and I dont I am missing anything is theoetically the same. If 2 saz1500Ds strapped to a final 2ohm load (1 ohm per amp) and it put out over 3K http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7116 I am guessing 2 3000D strapped at 2ohm (1ohm per sub) should put out over 6K Keep in mind, if you strap the amps you will need to have a 2ohm nominal load. you have two choices here, wire the subs in seies then in parallel or run each off its own amp. To me and I dont I am missing anything is theoetically the same.
  11. atsaubrey

    Jake 3000D info PLEASE

    Yes and that is what jacob recommends That is why i said take the subs wire it to 1 ohm (each not total/nominal load) then strap the amps (it would be impossible to get a 1ohm TOTAL/NOMINAL load with 2 dual 2ohms subs) thus the question what is the difference power and efficiency wise Keep in mind, if you strap the amps you will need to have a 2ohm nominal load. you have two choices here, wire the subs in seies then in parallel or run each off its own amp. To me and I dont I am missing anything is theoetically the same. If 2 saz1500Ds strapped to a final 2ohm load (1 ohm per amp) and it put out over 3K http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7116 I am guessing 2 3000D strapped at 2ohm (1ohm per sub) should put out over 6K
  12. atsaubrey

    Help with amp setting on two SAX 100.4

    I am available for verbal chat. pm me for my phone number. You are getting into "tricky" situations if your trying to go active without not necessarly knowing the set points on the amp and/ or deck. Great choice of amps BTW!
  13. atsaubrey

    Bridging my 100.4

    First off, on music, that tweet will very very seldom see a true 100wrms for more than a split second. Now if you want to bring up the facts, yes a test tone at 100wrms could potentially damage the driver. Who the reck listens to test tones? I typically run 2-3 times as much power on my drivers than they are rated for. I have yet to this day lost one because of power. Let me rephrase 2-3 times on my mids and tweets, I personally think 6000wrms (I have 1000wrms subs)on subs is rediculous for anything more than competition. If you don't clip your amps, set your gains correctly, and KNOW WHAT YOUR LISTENING TO, you should have now issues running "100wrms" on a set of tweets.
  14. atsaubrey

    Bridging my 100.4

    Definately go active, I had mine bridged on Zapco Reference comps and once I went active it was a night and day difference.
  15. atsaubrey

    NightShades Installed. #s Inside.

    Friggin AWESOME!
  16. atsaubrey


    For sure! I would recommend running them active though! I am assuming "all around" means front and rear speakers. I personally run "rear fill" but dont normally recommend it. I would, like I said run the front comps active off the 100.4, should sound awesome! I resonally run the 100.4 on a set of Zapco Reference comps active and man it sounds good, PLENTY of power to make them shine!
  17. atsaubrey

    New SAZ-1500D pics

    i find it interesting that it needed additional cooling. I run one at 2ohms and it doesnt even get warm....I mean barely noticible it is even running warm. Very impressive amp to say the least. I imagine at 1ohm it might be a different story but man it runs colder than anything else I have ever used.
  18. atsaubrey

    Thanks for the kick ass amps!

    Nice. Yes, it is very safe up here, Houghton is rated as one of the safest college towns in the country. As for girls, it isn't good, I won't lie, lol. Nice! Take awards in DbDrag then turns around and gets awards in SQ! That should be a testiment to the quality of these amps. CONGRATS!
  19. atsaubrey


    I have sold 2 100.2's and the SD1 package. I for one was surprised how strong the amp really is. I think I read somewhere somone hit 139 with one on two SD1 10's! I have only sold them in sealed boxes but I can definately see it possible ported! Keep in mind the SD1v1 are only 200w drivers and the 100.2 is 400wrms bridged, pretty impressive.
  20. atsaubrey

    139.8 today

    Damn nice considering the low wattage and they are 200wrms subs! Pretty impressive if you ask me! What do you think of them in the SQ department?
  21. atsaubrey

    sundownz joins SMD to comment.....

    Yes, link please I am about to open a can o whoop ass if someone was picking on Jake.
  22. atsaubrey

    any plans for a sundown 5k?

    Very true. It depends on how my summer job hunting goes, but if I get an internship my stock alt is going to be replaced with a 200 amp model and I am going to probably add a Kinetik HC800. And even with all this all I am running is an SAE-1000D and the SAX-100.2 yet I will have better electrical than 99% of people out there. True that is better electrical upgrades than most. I truly believe you will hear a slight increase in performance with what you plan to upgrade to. I currently run the 1500D and 100.4 on stock electrical but then again I run the 1500D at 2 ohms and the stock alti is 160 amps and luckily I dont have any issues. If I decided on a 1500D at 1 ohm or 3000D, multi batteries and alti upgrades are definately necessary. Congrats on owning some fantastic amps!
  23. atsaubrey

    Fi's breaking?

    Also, you know its pimp, when you can talk to the owner of the company directly. +1. All I can say is Scott is a bad to the bone designer and if you break one of his subs your doing something wrong....it aint the subs fault.
  24. atsaubrey

    any plans for a sundown 5k?

    LOL, that would be pimp. How many do you need? MSRP would probably be at least 15grand. I for one do not personally stock the 3000D and will NOT sell it to just anyone. If someone is interested in one I want to sit down and talk about their electrical before I would place an order. Too many stupiod people out ther wanting kilowatts without have the juice to support it. Now, a 5K amp with someone whoe knows what their doing...YUM