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Everything posted by atsaubrey

  1. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Thanks for the comment CHANGED TO A $10 ENTRY FEE!! xmas eve bump
  2. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Thanks for the comment CHANGED TO A $10 ENTRY FEE!! xmas eve bump
  3. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Thanks for the comment CHANGED TO A $10 ENTRY FEE!!
  4. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Thanks for the comment
  5. atsaubrey

    New Zed amps

    I talked to Stephen today for a good hour. He was bouncing ideas off me and me back at him. We discussed the new heatsink as well. If he decides to use the idea he told me about, you can call the pharmacist and cancel all your prescriptions for Viaga, Cialis and the like. I promise these amps are going to be so damn sexy you wont need the scripts anymore, heck you might even be able to kick the wife or girlfriend out cause she wont be needed anymore! Seriously though, after what we talked about, these new amps are going to be some of the sexiest amps on planet earth. I wished I could spill the beans but I was asked not to. We appear to be still out about 90 days on production though I dont have any use for my pair that im ordering but I just have to have them!
  6. Well, my wife entered the truck last Saturday because it looked like it was going to be a small show. Shortly there after the other cars rolled in and although a smallish show we had to go up against 5 other cars. She took home 2nd in sound quality against the likes of Audison, Hertz, Zapco installed cars. We would have been trailing just behind #1 if it wasnt for some gain hiss and a turn off (mechanical) pop....JAKE you need to get this problem handled. (amps in the cabin and it is indeed mechanical noise). Other than that, with 1/2 hour of tuning and a 2nd place finish is prety nice. We are seriously thinking about doing SQi @ West Coast Regionals (my comp car is out of comission for the season) next month in the Rookie class to see how we fair, we would get destoryed in SQc but might have a shot at it in SQi. lol
  7. atsaubrey

    Sundown takes home 2nd in IASCA SQc

    Running Image Dynamics thru out. XS69 comp set and 2 10" IDQ's
  8. atsaubrey

    Sundown takes home 2nd in IASCA SQc

    Yup I still have the same 1500D and 100.4 you sent me the very first time....still running like tops. (1500D @ 2ohm the whole time) So yes, the 1500 is making the audible click. As for system hiss, I can't hear it but the judge could. Obviously this judge can hear bat farts from 100ft.
  9. atsaubrey

    Sax 100.4 and an 8 volt input?

    The way some companies market specs is comical, you'll never see 8v outta that deck. Run it without worry.
  10. atsaubrey

    Sundown Sq build

    Just a taste. Building this truck to compete in IASCA SQC. Gear list: Eclipse CD7200MKII Sundown 100.4 Sundown 125.2 Sundown 1000D Hybrid Audio Clarus comps. 2- 12" Alumapro Alchemy Processing is still undecided but leaning towards a Zapco DSP6 or Audison BitOne. Next upgrades will be to a Batcap 2000 under the hood and a Batcap Power Pack somewhere near the amps. 2004 Chevy extended cab.
  11. atsaubrey

    Zed new amp news

    badass? I dont think that is the terminology for these amps if they do HALF what he says.....move it dang it! I need my new amps!
  12. atsaubrey

    New Zed amps

    I've talked to Stephen in great detail about the heat sink. I will just say start saving your money now guess you will have a boner for sure!
  13. atsaubrey

    2 comp sets and can they both be bridged?

    If your trying to keep up with 18's you need a set of horns and about 25wrms a channel
  14. atsaubrey

    Deadener Coming to the Jeep

    Thank god! Atleast your getting the best value/performance for the money. If I was in NC I would come over and help you.....drive it to Cali if you like for free assitance. You buy the beer of course. :-)
  15. atsaubrey

    Sundown Sq build

    UPS just dropped off the Hybrids.....DANG these are some beefy bishes.
  16. atsaubrey

    Sundown Sq build

    Tons of love for ID! I tried but his heart was in Hybrid. He is gone to Iraq for tour #4 until August so I got plenty of time to get this beast dialed in.
  17. atsaubrey

    Sundown Sq build

    Horns were considered but with the right side underdash the blower motor is in the way. It would be possible to fit a set of mini horns in there but this client didnt care to do that mods to make them work. He chose the Hybrid comps because of the winning streak they have had lately although I pushed for a set of ID XS65 drivers. :-(
  18. atsaubrey

    Sundown Sq build

    Truck is heavily deadened. Roof, back wall, doors, rear doors are they only thing not smothered in Second Skin.....I'll hit those when I get the Hybrids in on thursday. This customer just went back to Iraq and should be pretty happy when he gets back in August.
  19. atsaubrey

    New Zed amps

    The 2 channel will be 1000wmrs @ 4ohms only. Both of the new amps will be only 2 ohm stereo stable, 4 ohm bridged.
  20. atsaubrey

    Thanks to Jacob for the donation!

    I am very proud to say Mike Mach from NJ has declined his custom enclosure from SteveBeatZ and has asked me to draw another name. Michael Silverman was dran and is the winner. I am proud because there is not another guy out there that deserves it more! Absolutely 1000000000% random when it was drawn. Mike, you defineately have someone looking out for you!
  21. Just wanted to publicly thank Jacob for his support with my cause! A great guy with a big heart and with a great product! To save some typing, here is a link: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=26719 That right there my friends shows this company is going places.....well besides DOMINATING SPL events.
  22. atsaubrey

    Off topic SPCA donations

    I am very proud to say Mike Mach from NJ has declined his custom enclosure from SteveBeatZ and has asked me to draw another name. Michael Silverman was dran and is the winner. I am proud because there is not another guy out there that deserves it more! Absolutely 1000000000% random when it was drawn. Mike, you defineately have someone looking out for you!
  23. atsaubrey

    Off topic SPCA donations

    Ok, I had a pretty good amount of donations from you guys last year and we were able to raise iirc $1200+ !!!!!!! http://www.vospca.org/depts/valley_oak_spca/default.asp Lets see if we can do better this year. I do this walk every year and am obviously a animal lover, matter of fact I just adopted a stray 2 weeks ago that stolled up to me in my drive way while I was applying deadener. Turns out he is a purebred mini Schnauzer so it turned out to be a bonus! I am looking for you donations no matter how small they are. If you also love animals please donate, ALL money will be donated to my local SPCA and I will put your name, location and the forum you are from. So, please paypal [email protected] and please include your name, location, and the forum your from. Once it is all tallied up I will post the results. Lets see which forum has the biggest heart.
  24. atsaubrey

    Thanks to Jacob for the donation!

    Winners announced http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6a_YS3GcKs
  25. atsaubrey

    Off topic SPCA donations

    Winners announced http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6a_YS3GcKs