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Everything posted by atsaubrey

  1. One more week guys.
  2. Sound Innovations Location 30872 Huntwood Avenue #2, 94544 Contact 510-471-9062 Comments Registration & Cliniques @ 9 AM, Judging @ 11 AM SQ, SPL, SPL Drive-by, RTA, Install judging all being offered.
  3. Audio Innovations 4210 N Fresno St Fresno, CA 93726 (559) 229-0123 (559) 449-0123 Offering ""SQL"", RTA, Install, SPL, and SPL Drive-By. Registration starts at 9am and show starts at 11am. $5 Term-Lab MECA style tests ....for the SPL guys. (pre-show please)
  4. Just a reminder the 1st NorCal MECA SPL show will be April 3rd @ Kustom Kar in Santa Rosa, CA!!!!!! Get the rules downloaded www.mecacaraudio.com and get ready for a killer season with MECA. Also keep in mind, that Audio Innovations in Fresno is hosting the 2nd show the following weekend. Get your points in a hurry with these two shows!
  5. If you cant make this one. Fresno is the following Saturday (April 10th)
  6. there is a very small off chance I will be at this one Only 3 more days guys.
  7. atsaubrey

    MECA NorCal events

    I first show this weekend guys
  8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am just getting the shows up and running but here are a few shows you guys can mark on your calenders. I really look forward to the 2010 California MECA season! If you haven't downloaded the rule book, its time to get going! www.mecacaraudio.com Kustom Kar-Santa Rosa, CA April 3rd SQ/SPL but no Drive By SPL Audio Innovations-Fresno, CA April 10th SQ/SPL Sound Innovations-Hayward, CA May 1st SQ/SPL Paradyme Audio- Sacramento, CA May 15th SQ/SPL I am available for any questions or comments. [email protected]
  9. Car Audio and Electronics took some pics and video. That have them posted up on their website.
  10. Just a reminder, the FIRST MECA SPL event of the season is at The Audio Shoppe in Riverside this Saturday! Of course we'll have SQ as well,come out have a ton of fun, get your feet wet with MECA and shoot for becoming the California State Champion!
  11. atsaubrey

    MECA NorCal events

    Weird how? I really like the MECA format because it really makes the competition fair. Basically you only have to compete against people with similar setups.
  12. atsaubrey

    MECA NorCal events

    Count on all shows to start registration @ 9am-10am and shows to start by 11am-Noon
  13. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    I wanted to try my so called thing "luck" for that 125.2 ... Sorry to hear about your problems with authorities... Someone decided they didnt like me and reported me to the authorities. I am going to have to cancel all these raffles. It is going to take me for ever to refund all the money. I will leave it like this. If you would rather me just donate the money, do nothing. If you would like your refund, shoot me an email (using your paypal email) with the Subject: Refund [email protected] I am asking to do it this way because I would assume alot of guys would rather me just to donate the money. I feel terrible about this, I cannot believe someone could be this low. I will be contacting all the manufacturers, be patient if you are one of them.
  14. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Ok guys, alot of you guys know I am a huge animal lover and ask for help to raise money for my local SPCA Dog Walk A Thon and do so thru raffles for GREAT prizes. I keep ZERO $$$ or product out of this! I fully expect this years fund raising to be bigger than any other year with all the same sponsors and MORE! Are you a manufacturer willing to donate your product for a GOOD cause? Do you know one I should contact? HELP me and the animals out! For the guys that dont know, this was how I raised money last year and expect it to happen again this year only alot BIGGER! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6a_YS3GcKs basically here is how this works. $25 gets you into the raffle. (any amount helps though!!!) Want to donate $100 GREAT, please do so with 4 different Paypal payments. VERY IMPORTANT!!!! Do NOT use the word RAFFLE or DONATION with your payment. Simply state "DOG WALK" Paypal is [email protected] This is a few months away but I plan on hitting the $10,000 goal this year hence the early early start. So far (I will try to keep this thread up to date): www.Secondskinaudio.com 1 box of 80 SPL tiles. 4 Door packs of Damplifier Pro 3 one gallon cans of Spectrum www.rockfordfosgate.com Rockford T1000 Power Series amp www.imagedynamicsusa.com 2 sets of CTX coax 6.5" 1 12" CTX sub
  15. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

  16. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Someone decided they didnt like me and reported me to the authorities. I am going to have to cancel all these raffles. It is going to take me for ever to refund all the money. I will leave it like this. If you would rather me just donate the money, do nothing. If you would like your refund, shoot me an email (using your paypal email) with the Subject: Refund [email protected] I am asking to do it this way because I would assume alot of guys would rather me just to donate the money. I feel terrible about this, I cannot believe someone could be this low. I will be contacting all the manufacturers, be patient if you are one of them.
  17. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Someone decided they didnt like me and reported me to the authorities. I am going to have to cancel all these raffles. It is going to take me for ever to refund all the money. I will leave it like this. If you would rather me just donate the money, do nothing. If you would like your refund, shoot me an email (using your paypal email) with the Subject: Refund [email protected] I am asking to do it this way because I would assume alot of guys would rather me just to donate the money. I feel terrible about this, I cannot believe someone could be this low. I will be contacting all the manufacturers, be patient if you are one of them.
  18. Ok, I will send out a BNIB Sundown Audio 125.2 FULL WARRANTY to a random donater for Haiti reflief. paypal me @ [email protected] with your message being: TREMOR DO NOT STATE DONATION OR RAFFLE, ONLY STATE TREMOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I already have the random number of the donation posted up on a website. It will simply state a number, that particular donation will be the winner. Like I mentioned, its alread posted on a internet forum. I only ask that the donations be for $3+ and we will end the "game" at 12:01am PST. This is a mad ass rush for donations to the Haiti relief effort and a chance for you to get a BNIB amp for $3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once the "game" is over I will post a link to the number posted on this site and the winner! ALL people including friends are eligible for this one!
  19. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Elemental Designs 1 12" and 1- 10" subwoofer enclosure
  20. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    So far (I will try to keep this thread up to date): www.Secondskinaudio.com 1 box of SPL tiles. 4 Door packs of Damplifier Pro 3 one gallon cans of Spectrum www.rockfordfosgate.com Rockford T1000 Power Series amp www.imagedynamicsusa.com 2 sets of CTX coax 6.5" 1 12" CTX sub www.mtx.com 4- iThunder ipod boomboxes 1- Terminator amplified bass system. **** HF-1000.1 www.jlaudio.com 1- 12w0v2 www.arcaudio.com KS1000.1 www.hybrid-audio.com 2 sets Imagine I61-2
  21. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    www.arcaudio.com 1-KS1000.1
  22. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    ] www.Secondskinaudio.com 1 box of SPL tiles. 4 Door packs of Damplifier Pro 3 one gallon cans of Spectrum www.rockfordfosgate.com Rockford T1000 Power Series amp www.imagedynamicsusa.com 2 sets of CTX coax 6.5" 1 12" CTX sub www.mtx.com 4- iThunder ipod boomboxes 1- Terminator amplified bass system. **** HF-1000.1 www.jlaudio.com 1- 12w0v2
  23. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

  24. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    **** **** Donated a HF-1000.1
  25. atsaubrey

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Thanks for the comment CHANGED TO A $10 ENTRY FEE!! xmas eve bump www.mtx.com 4- iThunder ipod boomboxes 1- Terminator amplified bass system.