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Everything posted by jordan.guess

  1. jordan.guess

    need a recone please

    cause its a free 12 and I dont care if its all mixmatched parts even if it doesnt sound stellar. just a fun project because i love music and where it comes from; so learning a thing or two from reconing something (if it fits the motor) would be a good experience.
  2. jordan.guess

    DD 1508s box help please

    Hello, I just purchased two DD 1508's and am going to be putting them in my 1987 single cab toyota pick-up. I am short so it allows me to have my seat pretty far forward and I can get quite a bit of room back there. DD suggests that I put them in a ported enclosure and tune it to roughly 38 hz. Has anyone experimented with 8's and know of a better frequency to tune them at? If not I will just go with the 38. Next, I couldn't find an exact xmax on these but after reading around I discovered its about 15mm so on my port calculator it suggests I use roughly a 4" port at 20.5 inches long if I am putting it in a 1 cubic foot box. My main questions are these: will 4" pvc pipe at 20.5 inches long suffice at 1 cu ft.?, should I make a box separate for each sub or put them both in the same box and just make it bigger?, and lastly has anyone had better experience with completely different enclosure volumes and port sizes for 8's? Also if anyone would happen to have the sub displacement volume on these subs that would be great. Sorry for the nooby questions but I am just struggling on how I can get this to work in my vehicle. thanks!
  3. jordan.guess

    DD 1508s box help please

  4. jordan.guess

    DD 1508s box help please

    its the 1000/ v1 im pretty sure because on the amp itself it only shows 1000/1 and ive seen some that will have 1000/1v2, your assistance would be much appreciated!
  5. jordan.guess

    DD 1508s box help please

    there is no ssf, gain, or low pass on the amp. thats why i find it confusing
  6. jordan.guess

    DD 1508s box help please

    they are D4's and i have a JL 1000/1....i just have NO IDEA how to tune it cause of the many knobs on it D= edit: and yes thats for a round port
  7. jordan.guess

    Getting it done with 8's

    Ive been doing some research on some 8' subs with about a $200 budget and was hoping for some suggestions. I've mainly had my eye on the new alpine's since I can get them about $90 a pop. If anybody knows someone that is selling some 8's for sale in a fair price range, or if the sundown SA-8 by itself could topple most 8 inch couples then that input would be handy as well. Secondly, I hear its quite difficult to make a screamin ported box for this size of sub and was hoping for some direction here as well. When I look at youtube videos I see ports that are sometimes much bigger than the box they are in alone. =/ I've fooled around with WinISD pro alpha version, and put in as many specs as I could for the sub that I intend to use but I always get little error messages that prevent me from finishing anything that will help me. I hear the generic 1 cube foot for ported, but what should my port look like (port length, port volume, and so forth). The vehicle I'm working with is a single cab Toyota pick-up, and ive given up on shallow mount subs; there is still just something missing about them. Your input is much appreciated, if there is any information I am lacking then please let me know. Thanks.
  8. jordan.guess

    Oops, obviously new.

    just realized after about a month of creating a account here and replying on some posts that I never took the step to post on the newbie forum. So here we are, my post on the newbie forum. Done most of my audio by myself and learned the hard way while paying through the teeth. Usually have worked with trucks in particullar that are very limited on space. Just finished my friends system in his extended cab toyota tacoma with two FI Q fully loaded 12's in a ported box on a Hifonics 2500, accidently had the amp wired down to .5 ohm's and fried it the first day . Gonna get him an amp for each and see how that goes. Currently researching some 8 inch subs that are budget friendly. Particullarly the new alpine, and any input on 8 in. preferences would be awesome (including the sub itself, enclosures, port variations, tuning, and so forth). -Thanks! and glad to be a part of a very helpfull community from what ive seen thus far.
  9. jordan.guess

    Getting it done with 8's

    ide love some tang bands or DD's, but the price on the tang bands now are way expensive because of the magnet they use and its hard to find some used DD's for sale.
  10. jordan.guess

    Getting it done with 8's

    Alright cool thanks, and what are you guys' opinions about the DD 1508, or DD in general?
  11. jordan.guess

    Getting it done with 8's

    Also how does SKAR hold up with there 8's?
  12. jordan.guess

    Getting it done with 8's

    okay so if my box is .6 cube feet per sub and my port length needs to be 36" inches long, the what diameter or port area does it need?
  13. jordan.guess

    RE recone.

    I have an old RE 12 that I had no Idea what the model number was and so forth so I emailed some pictures to the Fi-Recone email. They informed me that it is the SE series and RMS's around 600 watts. What Recone kit would be best for this subwoofer and would it be cheaper for me to purchase the recone and do it myself or just send it in to Fi? Your help is much appreciated, I know there is a probably a lack of information but that is about as much as I know about the subwoofer.
  14. jordan.guess

    RE recone.

    okay so I am looking at my options and i dont know if its the dual 4, 2, or 1, and when is says (yes/no) for basket does yes mean that I already have the 12 spoke basket?
  15. jordan.guess

    RE recone.

  16. jordan.guess

    Bang for Buck Shallow Mount Sub. 10's

    I have an Alpine Type-R 12" Shallow I am trying to sell at the moment, however i think the mounting depth is at 3.5". Has the aluminum cone and if you have heard of any alpines new subs, they impressed me quite a bit, and this shallow held up to the standards. I put it side by side with my friends JL Tw5 shallow and I got better results as far as SQ and sound blending went. post on this if your interested or find it on ebay with all the specs.
  17. jordan.guess

    need help for a sq budget substage

    since nobody else will help you, im gonna try my best; even if you don't have a suffice amount of information for the rest that posted. Personally with $200 and a 2400 Hifonics I would buy a sheet of MDF to make your own box (unless you have one already) and something from Fi audio (probably could only get a SSD or IB3 and thats not even calculating shipping or extra goodies). that being said your gonna go a little over your budget. Although I think SSA might have something in the 100-200 range as well, I don't know off the top of my head. I will probably get criticized for this post but just figured I would try and help since nobody else would. Cheers mate.
  18. jordan.guess

    repairing a sub

    I have two blown MA Audio MA83XE's (8 in. subs) and i completely took them apart finding out the the voice coil of course, was melted. I measured the diameter of the voice coil from gap to gap and its 1.5 inches, is it possible to make use of these old motors/basket? or are they completely done for? If anyone has good advice on what to do with them, your advice is much appreciated. Thanks
  19. jordan.guess

    repairing a sub

    there are no shops or online part stores that would sell the re-cone kit? or what about just finding any basket+cone kit that fit the 1.5 in. coil and mounted on the motor?
  20. here we are again with more doubts in my mind about the amp I have in my single cab truck with the subs I want. Ive gottin it down to where Im torn between the Fi X 10's series and the Fi SSD 10's series. The X series is signifacntly cheaper but only has the BP power option on it, whereas the SSD has alot more capable. my budget is at $400 and I am getting a custom ported box designed accordingly that fit 2 10's. (yes I am possitive I can get enough proper cubic volume to match either of these subs behind my seat.) If I chose the SSD's, getting all of the available options to maximize its ability, it is out of my $400 range. so thats my predicament, get the BP power on the X's or leave the SSD's stock and maybe get them upgraded later on when I have more flow. Also forgot to say that I will be running a JL slash series 1000/1v2. your help is much appreciated, thanks! edit: I know the SSD's are better hands down, but I had to ask incase the BP power option would help out the X's to where it might match up against a SSD stock.
  21. jordan.guess

    Fully loaded Fi x or stock SSD

    thats all I needed to know, thanks a bunch for the reconfirmation.
  22. jordan.guess

    Fully loaded Fi x or stock SSD

    at stock option they are $194 not including shipping (no worries on that one) so if stock is better than a X with the BP power then thats what I want
  23. title says it all, if you had $400 to spend on 2 10in. subs, what would you get? and this is for daily use btw.
  24. jordan.guess

    your choice of 10's with $400

    Gonna have RAM designs come out with some plans for a box that fits in a 87' single cab toyota pick up. He says he can get me about 1.5 cubic feet ported enclosure for each sub(before displacements). I am short so I have alot of space behind my seat...an abnormal amount and is no problem fitting 2 10's back there with ease. My amp is a JL audio 1000/1v2 slash series.
  25. jordan.guess

    2 DCON-10 D4's or 2 Fi SSD 10's

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the info, given that I want these subs to last a long time I think I am going to go with the SSD's and then later on add another amp when I have the $.