I actually had something similar happen to me a few years back. My parents live out in the country...like no neighbor within 1,000 feet of the house. Anyway there was a house on the corner of the street that my parents live on so everytime I'd go to my parents I'd have to turn right in front of this house. Unfortunately the house was owned by a city LEO. When he pulled me over he flat out said he was waiting there for me because he was sick of hearing me drive by. It was about 1 or 2 on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Yeah the stereo was kinda loud, though nothing special. 2 Pioneer 12's in a T-top car...tops removed I did contest the ticket in court and won. Seems the officer failed to realize that where he pulled me over was a township, which did NOT have the same noise ordinance as the city in which he was a LEO for. My parents always went to the township meetings...the very next meeting that officer was there proposing that the township adopt the city's noise ordinance laws. The even funnier part, I had received a noise ordinance IN the city a week prior and contested that one just to put off paying the fine...my court dates were a day apart...with the same magistrate. And yeah the magistrate remembered that I was there the day before for the same violation and I could tell it burned him that I was gonna get off on the 2nd one.