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About troy_audi0

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/03/1978

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Prescott Valley,Az
  • Interests
    Car Audio , Car Audi0, & Driving..
  1. Hey Mark! thanks for adding this to your forum!! I will see you out here again right?? RIGHT!!!! I may have my car ready for sompin.. Come eat some food & win Stuff!!
  2. troy_audi0


    I got some new ones box is in place & will be covered in the next few days then its finished.. Check it out.. My New Box the mess is gone!!
  3. troy_audi0

    A hello from the Diva of CYV

    Welcome you know a few of us.. Troy
  4. troy_audi0

    What audio transactions do you regret?

    Nice list guys.. Here is mine.. Regret Buying.. eD EU-700 (though it did make a cool sub blowing vid) 100sq^ of FATMAT My Kia Spec 5..lol Regret Selling (2) NEW Zapco Z200 C2-SL's ARC XXK 5150 & 2100 IDMAX12D2 (2) Zapco Ref350's (2)ID8's IDQ15 How about Letting someone that knew what they were doing tune my Bug IDQ 15 & The @ Zapco Ref350's
  5. troy_audi0


    few more of the box.. I wasnt able to stay late so.. the Hu & Ash Tray/Volt Meter..
  6. troy_audi0

    ILuvJDM's Build Thread

    got a link to the one you are waiting for? Im going to get thisone to replace my 1950's one.. >>Parts Express<<
  7. troy_audi0

    lowering cabin temp for better db

    wow we just talked about that before & after Mark got metered on Saturday.. he had been demoing the subs all day & drove up from PHX 1hr or so drive.. 95+ Temps could get more out of the subs on a optumum day/ prep.. Peace Troy
  8. troy_audi0

    (ICON 15'S) 149.8db @ Prescott

    I was thinking we would do that next time we hungout..lol sorry it didnt fit.. Glad everything is up & running.. how's the install comming now? you ready for the redesign? Peace Troy
  9. troy_audi0

    ILuvJDM's Build Thread

    I think I know a guy who can do banning Oh Yeah... =-)
  10. troy_audi0

    ILuvJDM's Build Thread

    psshhh, amatuer, lol I understand, I guess you can't get your skirt dirty that way Keep it on topic or I'll find away to get you banned!! Like the install man but Im with the other guys. time for a new HU.. Peace Troy
  11. troy_audi0

    ILuvJDM's Build Thread

    lol you SQ guys.. oh im one of them kinda.. I'v been running it over in my mind to try the 10 in a sealed box in my dakota reg cab.. I will keep you posted on that.. I liked the 15's cant bring myself to cut the cab sorry Mark no (2) 15's ported for me..
  12. troy_audi0


    I told him it would be done on Friday & have it ready to pimp on Saturday Pimp = Wheels Set After the drop kit, Tuned & Detailed he said no way in hell he made a bet with me.. if its done he will get me a set of 20's for my truck..lol Ok Im in.. Peace Troy
  13. troy_audi0


    ok got some work done.. more very soon..
  14. troy_audi0

    Comp Sets?

    I have an Arc Audio MX-1 2way Xover Iv been thinkin about doing that for some time.. See what comes around.. Peace Troy
  15. troy_audi0

    2002 Civic Progress

    kinda wierd. I was just lookin at running your amps.. I also have kicker SS comps & only my drivers side mid is installed How did you set them up..?? Thanks Troy