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bld 25

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Everything posted by bld 25

  1. bld 25

    Fi Q vs Infinity Kappa VQ

    as far as power handling goes, in the proper box with the low Q insert, it had no problems with 600+ watts. I emailed infinity tech, and they said that it could take the full power of the infinity 611a(657w). It does have a 3"vc, which contributes to power handling, so i believe the 400w is pretty conservative.
  2. bld 25

    Fi Q vs Infinity Kappa VQ

    i haven't heard the q, but i have had experience with an SS-rlp(somewhat comparable) and an infinity 12vq. The vq will take quite a bit more power than it is rated, and in my opinion, it went lower than the SS, but i do think the ss is the better driver. The VQ is probably the best mainstream woofer that i have ever used, and the specs are way better than most, and similar to most custom shop stuff like cast basket, 3" coil, etc, and the variable Q is pretty sweet.
  3. bld 25

    anyone seen supa c?

    anyone? i have a TC sounds question, and he is the resident authority. he hasn't been on here or CA for like two weeks now.
  4. bld 25

    newb board question

    I know this is dumb, but all of a sudden everyone's replies are all bunched up at the bottom in an outline form, and i have to click each one to see it. Can anyone help me figure out what to change? I have checked all the settings, but it is pretty annoying. thanks
  5. bld 25

    newb board question

  6. bld 25

    recone question

    hey, i have access to some ED Ov.2 motors, and was thinking it might be a good start to recone. Can a drop in recone kit be had for this sub? the vc is 62.5mm which is right around 2.5 in. I would like something inexpensive and sq related. i read in previous threads where the older e12k (desjil) was reconeable for like $60 or something. Let me know! thanks, brian here are the specs for the O: http://www.edesignaudio.com/edv2/product_i...;products_id=35
  7. bld 25

    recone question

    really, i thought you carried some 2.5" VCs.
  8. Hey, i am thinking about getting an RL-P 15, and i don't want to lose too much trunk, so i am looking at 2.5 net ported around 32Hz. Since the port only has to be around 12in long, could i get by with one 4" flared precision port in a trunk car? If port noise is the only issue, my trunk is sealed off pretty well (dodge intrepid). Thanks!
  9. bld 25

    Fi Q sounds interesting...would this work out?

    Do one Q ported. That will save some serious money, and in general one ported is close to the output of 2 sealed. You won't lose any sq if the box is done right.
  10. Hey, i currently have my box in about 1.6 cubes to low 30's, and Mike told me that 2cubes net at 34 would give me more output. I want to make sure i won't lose SQ, but i might give this a try. Will i gain much output with this change? Will i still have excellent SQ? I searched a ton on here and caraudio.com and read up on ports, square inches of port area, etc, and i used various calculators. I used the calc on maximacar.com, which is the best i have seen. The box dimensions are: 24x14.5x15 with a 4 inch by 11" port. The calculator takes into account woofer displacement and displacement of the port, and it comes out to 2.29gross, and 2.06 net. With the box being 15" deep, that leaves 3.25" of space between the back of the inside of the box and the port, which i would assume is enough since it will be coming from all angles. I know many people will say the 4" port may not be enough, but i have read that using a round port since it doesn't have corners, etc, you don't need as much port area since the are flows smoother. does everything look good? will i gain much output? Thanks!! I will go ahead and post this in the enclosure forum also.
  11. bld 25

    12rl-p box

    Hey, i currently have my box in about 1.6 cubes to low 30's, and Mike told me that 2cubes net at 34 would give me more output. I want to make sure i won't lose SQ, but i might give this a try. Will i gain much output with this change? Will i still have excellent SQ? I searched a ton on here and caraudio.com and read up on ports, square inches of port area, etc, and i used various calculators. I used the calc on maximacar.com, which is the best i have seen. The box dimensions are: 24x14.5x15 with a 4 inch by 11" port. The calculator takes into account woofer displacement and displacement of the port, and it comes out to 2.29gross, and 2.06 net. With the box being 15" deep, that leaves 3.25" of space between the back of the inside of the box and the port, which i would assume is enough since it will be coming from all angles. I know many people will say the 4" port may not be enough, but i have read that using a round port since it doesn't have corners, etc, you don't need as much port area since the are flows smoother. does everything look good? will i gain much output? Thanks!!
  12. the two 4" ports would have to be 33inches long apeice, and also that takes the net cubes to 1.59cubes. is port noise the only by product if a 4" doesn't work? this is in a trunk car.
  13. will the 4 still work? it is in a trunk car, so i don't think i would hear port noise if there was just a slight amount. the program shows two 3" X 13" ports with 2 more inches of port area, but then they only have a little over an inch before they touch the back wall, and i would rather not use a curve if i don't have to.
  14. bld 25

    Change is needed in form of MJ-18's

    Why not get two maw 15's. You could run them ported, and the box would still be smaller than the sealed MJ18.
  15. thanks, however, i think i have the RL-P in near ideal conditions. The rec. box is 1.5 cubes to low 30's, and i have mine in 1.6 cubes in low 30's. It is mostly my trunk that is the problem with tons of deadening between the trunk and the cab. Maybe i can port my trunk!
  16. Would the 15 work ok in a smaller than 3.0 cu ft box? The price is very right, and i have heard the SQ rivals the IDQ, but i don't know if i want to fit that large of a box. That would be nearly double the size of my 1.6 ported 12RLP. So if i went sealed i could save some space, but would that be any louder than my ported RLP? Also, would i lose SQ to the RLP?
  17. thanks for some answers everyone. I guess i should restate that i am looking to port. Does anyone else think that 2.5 cubes net would be OK for this? I just hate having the whole trunk taken up for a box!
  18. well i don't want to get rid of the RL-p, but in an intrepid, i need more displacement, and can't afford another rlp.
  19. bld 25

    Who would do a 20"?

    I don't know if anyone else would agree with me, but i would be interested in a 13.5 like the JLs. I don't want to fit a 15, but i would like a little more cone area than a 12, and when you look at the two side by side, there is a huge difference, and probably a niche to fill between them. I would love a 13.5, but my wallet doesn't like JL.
  20. Hello, i have been hearing many good things about the MAW subs, but i would like to know how they compare to other subs. I have owned INfinity kappa perfects, Perfect VQ, ED K series(original, and v2), and currently i am running an SS RLP 12. How does the output compare to these and others such as IDQ, or the current ED k series, since those can also run in small boxes for a 15. Also, since the Qts is so small on the MAW 15, can it run in a smaller box than the 2.2 sealed and 3.0 ported with good results?
  21. bld 25

    MAW-15's and MJ-18's on the shop!!

    when can we expect the other Mach 5's? 12's, 10's, 6.5, etc?
  22. bld 25

    12 RL-P T/s

    thank you very much! Relatively high BL and Xmax, and low Qts! Can't wait to get this bumping!
  23. bld 25

    12 RL-P T/s

    Hey, i am looking to get a 12" RL-P, and the site has been down for awhile. Does anyone have the T/s for the one with the black cone? I think it is a 2005 model. Thanks! Should 1.65 net ported at around 33 be good?