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Everything posted by SouthPole1989

  1. SouthPole1989

    9887 Help

    are u measureing the voltage from the amp outputs or the rca wire because the rca is going to be that low.
  2. SouthPole1989

    9887 question

    yea but i will have 2 12" subs for range. iwant the eu 700 for midbass not for the lows/
  3. SouthPole1989

    9887 question

    once they are in they will get adjusted accordly, but until they are installed i wont know.
  4. SouthPole1989

    9887 question

    when i take the door skin off and do some more sound deadning i will see if it will be possable at all.
  5. SouthPole1989

    9887 question

    i want the eu700 playing that high
  6. SouthPole1989

    9887 question

    ok for those that have the 9887 or atleast the manuel it is on page 16 with the 2.2ch (3way) system/l=R, that is what i want to try to do. and the setting items are: Low/Mid L,Mid H,High. but i want the lpf to be higher then 200hz for the eu700 and that is why i want to use the sax100.4 for the processing.
  7. SouthPole1989

    9887 question

    becuase i have another alternative to not using it. i will still use the 9887 for the equalizers and stuff like that but not the active processing part.
  8. SouthPole1989

    9887 question

    ok my bad. i have an alpine 9887, sundown 100.4, sundown sax100.2. i want to do active front stage using the 100.4 as the processor not the 9887. And i want to use eu700 for mid lows (i guess that is what u call it) in the rear of the car. I am not sure about the front stage speakers yet, (my family is wondering what to get me for xmas so i am having them get me the amps that i want to use.) the sub will be powered by a sae1000d, i am still thinking about the sub right but i am leaning towards 1 of theses three. eclipse7200, AA Arsanal, w6v2. and overall my goal is to have LSQ daily driver ( and i also i am aware that w6's are sq subs)
  9. SouthPole1989

    Is this alt good?

    i have read mix reviews but most of the bad is that it may take a month or so to get the alt.
  10. SouthPole1989


    Ordered my sax100.2 on friday recevied it tuesday morning A+ on shipping and packaging and overall customer satisfaction. I look forward to to my next purchase With SSA.
  11. SouthPole1989

    I'm still buying CD's

    i hear that u lose sq and for the lack of better terms loudness with using an mp3 player feeding into a headunit, or is that not true with an ipod.
  12. SouthPole1989

    Many new items being added to cart!

    hows the warrenty's working on these?
  13. SouthPole1989

    RE Audio Coaxials

    how do they compare to type r coaxials?
  14. SouthPole1989

    RE Audio Coaxials

    what are the specs on those anyway. their is nothing on their website about them. i am looking for some that can take 115 rms. but prefer to stay off of mainstream.
  15. SouthPole1989


    hi, i am going to be getting a XT-1600.4 in a month or so and i am going to be putting it in a false floor and i notice that it has fins and i am wondering are they for looks or do they serve as the heat sink like jl's. because i need to know where to focus the fans on since it will have pexiglass over it but i will try to make the flase floor as breathable as possable. and does it make 180 at 2 ohm right. and also i saw that the input goes up to 6 volt but i was planing on using a line driver because i dont want to spend alot of getting longer rca's/ and most line drivers arre atleast 8 volts
  16. hi, i am looking for a budget 4 channel amp that can do atleast 200rms at @ 2 ohm for a freind and he doesn't want to spend more then 350 on the amp. and i was looking at a Soundstream TRA960.4 for him and i am wondering if anybody has any experiace with them. and another option is a cadence TXA-6004 forgot to mention it will be running a active gront stage with it and the processor is alpine 9887
  17. SouthPole1989


    well, i think i got him to find a decent choice. 2 12" eclipse sw7200 off of the sundown sae1000d
  18. SouthPole1989


    hi, i am helping a freind put together a low wattage system( under 1k) and he wants to use jl subs and is thinking of using to 2 13w3v3 off of a sae1000d ( my idea) and it is going in a 240sx and the box will be 2.25 f^3(per sub) tuned to 30hz. and i am wondering what are other people opinion on the 13w3v3 ( i already tried to have him get the w6 but he does not want to spend 300 per sub.) and he is going for LSQ
  19. SouthPole1989


    what would you suggest that is about the same price of a 13w3v3 ( 200) thats works with an sae1000d maybe the aresanal(sp)?
  20. SouthPole1989

    New Website

    the whole ax series is custom made to order?
  21. no just hook it up so the batteries are as close to 100% as possable.
  22. have you tried to recharge the bats via a battery charger since you think it is your alt
  23. SouthPole1989

    X12 New Design in the works

    whats the msrp looking like on them?
  24. hi , i am wondering has anyone tried putting a 15" icon in a sub up port back type enclosure in a trunk car. i would really like to use a 15" but my trunk height is only 15.5 inches high so this is the only way that i can think of.
  25. SouthPole1989

    1 Ohm on Strapped 1500d?

    imports are more expense then domestic so i will say a good one is going to be in the 400 hundreds