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[email protected]

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  1. So the 6.5" AA drivers are finally available? How much and where? do you have a link to the spces? TIA C
  2. cc00541@neb.rr.com

    Ascendant Audio on the shop

    They're coming...eventually. Word on the street is that the dealer network has not expressed that much interest in them so they're not a big concern right now. Thanks for the quick reply! To be honest I see these as drivers for home systems rather than mobile, and unfortunately, somewhat out of their natural element here. They are rather a unique driver in that they can go quite low, and quite loud in a small enclosure. Their relatively flat extended response curve make for easy crossing to a number of tweeters, and overall compare favorably to drivers costing several times more. I
  3. cc00541@neb.rr.com

    Ascendant Audio on the shop

    Sooooo.... Where are the AA 6.5" drivers? Still on the boat from Taipei City? Or will they ever be offered again? This is a very versitile driver and it would be a shame if it suffered an early demise. Curt
  4. Thanks Scott! I'll let the DIYers know it will still be available. -Any quesstimate as to when? Thanks again! Curt