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Everything posted by NighthawkFG

  1. NighthawkFG

    6 XCON 10'S or 4 ZCON 12'S

    ok it will go in a 2006 civic coupe there is sufficient room for enclosure after i remove the back seat. electrical will be a 260A HO alt. and a sufficient battery bank for either. As for the amps for the 10 i will go with 3 SAZ2500D and the 12 will be 4 SAZ3500D.
  2. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    I know its sundown but there is no stats on there site, but if it is around 7000 watts 2 of them would be perfect to push 4 BTL N3 12's orrr 4 zcon 12's haha Sub are not a factor in this peoblem
  3. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    I a few months my car will be paid off and I want to build a SPL system for competition and plan to use 4 Sundown SAZ-33500D's. My question is 4 Kinetik HC3800 batteries and a DC power 270 amp Alt. sufficient to power them.
  4. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    Ok thanks for help guys
  5. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    its like a jacobs accuvolt
  6. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    Flux Cap
  7. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    oh well any thoughts on the harrison Labs Flux cap
  8. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    Any Idea on a possible release date.
  9. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    I know its sundown but there is no stats on there site, but if it is around 7000 watts 2 of them would be perfect to push 4 BTL N3 12's
  10. NighthawkFG

    Pictures of your new equipment

    Memories my first big amp was a 21400 pushing 6 C2 10's in wal in my CRX.l
  11. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    Would be nice if had some stats for that amp
  12. NighthawkFG

    Batteries For SAZ-3500

    2006 Civic coupe Subs are going in the rear seat batteries and amps in the trunk also im unable to finda a dual bracket for hondas.