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About Polecat

  • Rank
    Stillwater Designs

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  1. Polecat

    New Kicker CVX's

    I'd like to see that test
  2. Polecat

    New Kicker CVX's

    actually, IMHO, these blow away the older round solo's....waaaaay more power handling
  3. Polecat

    New Kicker CVX's

    the new CVX's are very similar to the older round solo's back in the day. They handle the same power as the L7 in the same size, and work and map out great in smaller sealed. Map the CVX10" in about .75 sealed, and I think you'll love the new graph.
  4. I was gonna say, they should be on Ebay.
  5. Polecat

    Kicker solo x

  6. Polecat

    Kicker solo x

    ought to slam, but needs mo powa
  7. Polecat

    Kicker solo x

    for most daily street applications, the regular L7 will suffice, but the Solo X isn't as sensitive, so it will need more power.
  8. we have a ton of dealers that have ordered the complete line...
  9. all dealers are open to carry the wire...depends if they ordered them...........???
  10. Polecat

    Kicker Monster Truck

    phone must be dis-connected...let me see.
  11. Polecat

    Kicker Monster Truck

    555 5th Street or call for directions, 555-555-5555
  12. Polecat

    Kicker Monster Truck

    they truck is in Louisiana....so first one there get's to drive....sound, the sound comes from just what is in front on the rear tires...
  13. Polecat

    Component Sets

    sorry guys...been slammed! yea, I have the new Res...like them, the SS's. LOVE those!
  14. Polecat

    Dampening Factor???

    send me an email and let me see what I have...