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Everything posted by adennis41

  1. adennis41

    shallow subs

    i could do roughly 9"w on bottom 5"w on top 5ft long
  2. adennis41

    shallow subs

    i have 99 f350 reg cab long box and would love to build a system but dont want to loose comfortablity i would like to put some shallow subs in a box behind the seat 3-4 shallows dont know what brand and or will it sound loud and nice any help will be apreciated
  3. adennis41

    fi btl 18

    hello i have a fi btl 18 triple stack im looking to put in the back of a ranger is there anyone who could help design a box i have the top dimension to be 12 and bottom dimention to be 21 and the width no longer than 48 and heigh how ever long it needs to be id like i tuned to be loud as possible lol please pm if you can help
  4. adennis41

    fi btl 18

    do you know some names so i could send them a pm