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About Bambus

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  1. Bambus

    FED-EX paid me a visit today...........

    You're a lucky MOFO.... I wish i could adopt an 18 incher for my own. HEHE hope you put it to good use.
  2. Bambus

    RL-p15 in Canada

    K, Thanx so, whats the best price i can get one for, and who do i send my allowance to?! I would like the RL-p15 D2 Can someone get me an exact price - driver+ship(to Ontario, Canada)+tax Thank You
  3. Bambus

    RL-p15 in Canada

    Hey, Im new in this forum I am trying to find out if there is a dealer that carries SS RL-p15 in Canada, or is there only one place to get this beast - The One and Only SS Website. I WANT IT !!!!!!! Im in Ontario, Canada so if there is anyone that can help me out, or has a brand new RL-p15 for sale close to me, i will be more than glad to pick it up. Thank you