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About kieranm

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    Taipei, Taiwan
  1. Hi everybody. I recently had my starter set up installed (2 sa-12s dvc 1 sax-1200 wired to one ohm). It was not hitting hard and then it just went completely inaudible, although bass was still slightly there. I realize the not hitting hard part was most likely a wiring issue. I took it into a car audio shop, we opened it up and the guy told me that i blew it, still very puzzling. The gain wasn't set beyond half way and I blew it, but have no idea how. Anyways, I put a picture below (downloaded from the net) and circled the place where the seal broke, and the guy who installed my stereo said it was faulty. Now the problem is bigger because I live in Taiwan, so i was wondering if the amp could be fixed here in Taiwan or would I have to send it back to the States. Very annoying considering I waited so long for it to arrive only to go home with no bass. I put my old tens (that suck) back in for the time being. So the question is, are those small black cylinder pieces easy to replace? Or should I send it back in? I don't trust the locals to do a good job either, because they know less than I do about car audio most of the time. Here is the image, although not my amp. I circled the part where it looks broken.
  2. kieranm

    Hey everyone, from Taipei!

    Just wanted to check in and say hello to everybody here. Anyways.... I'm not exactly a car audiophile but I do enjoy bass. Currently running 2 sa-12s powered by 1 sax-1200d. Not much car audio going on here in Taiwan, so that means not too much help. Was hoping to learn a few things while I was here. Thx for reading!