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Mike P.

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Everything posted by Mike P.

  1. Mike P.

    IXL-18.4 Build

    Hi vito. Nothing new as of yet. I work away from home 7 days at a time, so I'm only home every second week. I have a lot of family commitments this summer as everyone plans for when I'm at home. There is more to do then I figured. I'm guessing 6 to 8 weeks before I start my subs. Hopefully sooner then later. And what have you been up to lately? Mike
  2. Mike P.

    IXL-18.4 Build

    I finally got a chance to do some modelling with WinISD. The red is what my twin Shivas 12's produce and the green is what my twin Atlas 15's produce. Blue is what the IXL-18.4's will do in 12 cubic feet tuned to 16hz. Although the spl numbers are not representative of real in room response, it does allow for a comparison of different drivers. At 16hz the Shiva is 99db, the Atlas is 108db and the IXL is 114db. My next project will be to figure out the R.E.W. program and see exactly what my Shiva's and Atlases are really producing in room and compare that to what the IXL's produce when I get them built. It should be interesting. One thing is for sure. There is some serious low end bass coming!!!!!!!!!
  3. Mike P.

    SPL sub, is it close Mark?

    How much power have you put into it and how much power would you like to?
  4. Mike P.

    Mine came in too.

    Back on topic. Tirefryr, what have you got planned for your IXL-18.4's?
  5. Mike P.

    Mine came in too.

    I request a Moderator to delete all posts from post #9 on. Tirefryr's thread has gone astray. Time to put it back on track.
  6. Mike P.

    Mine came in too.

    Sir, please lay the crack pipe down. And start studying. Just think. 3 more years and you get your drivers license!!
  7. Mike P.

    IXL-18.4 Published Specs

    I got my pair yesterday. Man, these subs are big! I can hardly wait to get them installed in my home theater. I'm finally going to have enough bass!!! Thanks for the great product, Mark.
  8. Mike P.

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Image Dynamics makes both. CXS64 is 4 ohm, CXS62 is 2 ohm.
  9. Mike P.

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    Congrats to BiNary!!!!(Adam) Enjoy the MAW-15 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Mike P.

    mj-18 box

    There's a couple of MJ-18 videos here. Click on "Mach 5" on the left side. http://www.realmofexcursion.com/videos.html
  11. Mike P.

    IXL 18.4 HT sub

    Good point. 6 or 8 inch sonotube with a 1.5 inch radius roundover bit and a person can make their own flares. I found some pics of a diy 6 inch flare using a roundover bit and some MDF. http://home.pacbell.net/lordpk/port/ The pics are of a 6 inch diy flare compared to a 4 inch store bought flare. It looks easy enough to do. I think I'll give it a shot.
  12. Mike P.

    IXL 18.4 HT sub

    6 inch ports in Canada are hard to find. One place that advertises for them is http://www.2loud4you.ca/ but the site is dead. No updates, no response to emails. A U.S. sourse is http://www.thrilleraudio.com/. But cross border shipping makes it expensive to bring into Canada. I might have to make my own. If I do I can make one for you too. I've read up on it and it's not that hard.
  13. Mike P.

    IXL 18.4 HT sub

    Hey BiNarY, I'm figuring on 17 cubic feet tuned to 15hz. I'm not sure if a 6 inch port will be big enough for this sub. I'll have to find a vent speed calculator somewhere to find out. Personally I'm thinking an 8 inch port. The Buttkicker amp is a good choice for a sub amp. Lots of sub builders at avsforums are using it with no problems. I'll be going with a 2 channel pro amp since I'm building 2 of these subs. Can't wait for these subs to get here!
  14. Mike P.

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    "BiNarY" gets my vote. That design is pure class. I love it.
  15. Mike P.

    How To Post A Picture

    Thank you. I saw pictures in the posts and didn't know they were links to somewhere like imageskack. Now I know! Mike
  16. Mike P.

    How To Post A Picture

    Ok. I give up. How do I post a pic in the forums. I did a search and can't find anything. I can't copy and paste, that doesn't work. When I click on the "Insert Image" button a box comes up asking for an URL. The image that I want to post is on my computer and doesn't have an URL. Any help would be appreciated. Mike
  17. Mike P.

    Next-Gen 18: IXL-18.4 Pre-Order

    Hi Mark, I'm looking forward to these subs arriving. Can you tell us what the weight of the sub is? Thanks.
  18. Mike P.

    High Excursion Drivers

    I put the numbers in WinISD and it models well in a EBS alignment. It puts my Atlas 15's to shame. Now to wait patiently for the preorder!!!
  19. Mike P.

    High Excursion Drivers

    Looking forward to seeing what the T/S parameters are for this driver. Hopefully it will model well for home theater. 2 of these would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!