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Everything posted by meade916

  1. thanks! ok todays update: driver door in! I didnt put the speakers in yet.....i have to deaden the doors and then im ready to start hooking up wires!
  2. bottom glassed in as well.........i would say its pretty solid now This is how i am turning 4ga mids and high wire into speaker wire for the doors (i know its not necessary but its a long run to the back by the amps and it looks cleaner back there then 50 16ga speaker wires jammed into the T15k terminals ) a couple shots of the door again to end the evenings pics
  3. they hang from the remaining plastic clip things.......and they are screwed tight from the inside with a strategic piece of wood in just the right spot here is todays work. Back to the crossover rack. Most of this will never be seen but its no excuse not to make it strong and have the wires nice and clean... again, this is made of 2x3's mainly because it also holds up a big Nitrogen bottle (for the air system)
  4. thanks guys!! im stoked at how they look too lots of stressin out during the door build and its almost over! The door actually shutting was bigtime for me (dont ask )
  5. as far as i know im first on the list
  6. door handle was chewed up by my dog.......i gotta get a new one at the caddy dealer next week. Were gonna dye it grey to match the suede.
  7. couple sneak peaks at one of the door panels. Ok here is the deal, in order to use the leather it would need a GANG of stitching. Almost too much due to the shape of this thing. He told me it was going to be very "busy" and might look tacky. My other option was to use some GOOD vinyl, some german chit that they put in Mercedes and BMW...some chit that is AS expensive as the leather, so its not generic or anything. After looking at the material and what it was going to take i decided to go with the stuff that would be easiest to form and one piece too. We are still using graphite grey inserts and handles dyed to match so it will be sick as hell. Also, the seats and everywhere else possible it will still be the dope leather chit. anyway here is what the one looks like so far......
  8. .....just spending time laying stuff out and scratching my head design subject to change without notice im still moving stuff around. Im going to make it look as good as i can but it will mostly be covered by the Nitrogen tank. Those things sitting on top are the brackets that hold the tank... everything will be framed in and covered in leather trim. the 2x3's you see here are just so i can get an idea what its going to look like.
  9. Now for the A PIllars........ok the black is very hard to capture on the camera so i had to adjust the exposure on them after they were on the computer. They may look a little grainy taking a dark black pic and adding light but you get the point anyway Oh also, i dropped the door panels off today. Im HOPING they will be done this week!
  10. OK A Pillars are in and they look SICK!! Pics do them no justice. First the wire-pull pics.......i ran everything from the door into the cabin now i just need to get my xover network built (this week and weekend) and ill have a place to run the wires too. MAJOR PAIN IN THE ASS........i managed to save the stock rubber grommets at least.
  11. im not sure.....i mean its door speakers so they should be ok with the current......if not ill find out the hard way. Should be OK though, seems fine. oh, and Thanks!
  12. thanks......anyway here is MORE molex pics. There is 11 speakers per door, 2 per a pillar. Each door needs 22 individual wires but using a plug there is a male and female "pin" for each side. That makes 44 pins per door. The A pillars have 4 wires but total 8 pins per side (for the plugs). Thats 16. So yes, i sat here and crimped, then soldered 104 of these suckers. Took forever and it was straight WORK so i will post em even if its kinda boring pics i think theres gonna be a LOT of wiring in my future......this is just two doors and 2 A pillars These are the A pillar plugs. I have 9 slots open but i only need 4 on each one..... Heres the 12 pin door plugs next to the 9 (4) pin A pillar plugs
  13. meade916

    New Video - Ear F***ked By....

    just a little somethin i filmed today.....thats Teak pokin his head in and making that comment so i figured it made a good title c-j924SyQTg oh the cleaner version which will be on my site and also probably on youtube (hi res) later, you can see the skin on my right forearm wrinkling to the beat.......right now you cant see it very good at low res though
  14. meade916

    New Video - Ear F***ked By....

    oh ya someone told me how to embedd the vid but i cant find that post......so mods, do your thang...sorry!
  15. thanks bro much appreciated as always
  16. haha, thanks too bad thats only the female end of 1 door gonna take 22 "pins" for each side which converts to 44 pins since i need male and female... not to mention 8 (16) for each A pillar. if i just kick back, watch some TV and chip away at them (like last nite in my living room), eventually ill get em done!
  17. tomorrow i finish the door plugs and then i need to make A-Pillar plugs since those need to be able to be easily removed too....
  18. damn this post got buried fast just a few pics so you guys know im stayin busy......there is 11 speakers in each door and i wanted to make the door panels easily detachable if they need to be removed. Pulling each and every speaker out and taking the wire off each one would be a pain in the ass so i decided to get some 9 and 12 pin molex plugs to make the wires detachable. They are all crimped and soldered...its gonna take FOREVER and what i am about to show you, i have to double that tomorrow because thats only half the job... some nice Rockford Speaker wire...damn near endless roll
  19. Ok heres the story, my back window had major bubbles and i dont know why, its been perfect for 10 years. Well i got tired of it, plus when the sun gets in just a little you can totally see the ugly rear of the wall which is fairly "raw" . Sorta embarrassing to roll my honda out, hella slammin, tuckin 18's..........but the worlds ugliest tint and behind it a raw backside of a wall. Well today, i broke my back glass out for the glass guy and it only took one sub! Can you believe it! heres the vid: dPApRN97WRs
  20. went to chickens today after dropping my daughter off....there was a few people up there and of course they wanted a demo...........the boys from the Doja Clik were back up there too. Got some good footage and also a decent hair trick. Also filmed for like 10 seconds inside the house with the 7' towers bumpin. Tomorrow ill get the clean version up, old man dave is sleepin right now. Youtube will have to do until then xfHaiPDfK5U bE4mVivWsdo
  21. i think ive done at least 2 with that song....it does slam and your right, my box system loves that song
  22. thanks! Just another day for me, havin a blast bumpin my beats for the people
  23. meade916

    Fi subs Featured in Music Video

    that song sounds like it has good lows in it.....can i get a copy to try out? meade916@gmail.com thanks man! (it is yours right, thats why i ask if i can get a copy, not tryin to do an illegal download or anything )
  24. after gettin the body work fixed on my truck (was rear ended last week) one of the guys from Vices autobody wanted to hear what it had. I wonder how they knew i had beat anyway, if you guys are tired of me posting so many vids just let me know, its not my fault i get stopped every day almost for a demo.....sometimes i film, sometimes i dont..its better when someone else films though i can concentrate on what im doing. also if you look in the vid its hard to see but people came out from across the street in the other buildings cuz i was makin so much noise. Thats where i panned over and started to snicker a little NA0-wnWzf6M oh, when i get it on the site it will be much cleaner, as usual.......his shirt moves 10x more on a clean version. It seams youtube cuts out so much stuff when compressing that it takes away some of the movement in the car. oh well..the last 3 vids, but cleaner, will be up tonite.