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Everything posted by meade916

  1. that tan "ass end" will be modified, filled, smoothed and wrapped black to match the other pieces......thats all for today though, my hands are RAW!!
  2. back to work.... if you have never had the pleasure of removing factory carpet from a center console, you havent lived...
  3. ive been "installing" and bumpin beats on the BLVD for over 20 years.....only been doin "big thangs" for about 6 or 7 though. thanks!
  4. thanks! ya, no issues with the ports.....its not audible anyway. chit still SLAMS so im happy with them!
  5. Ok the last piece of plexi i used was clear, it was some chit i had laying around.....it was old and the blue backing was coming apart so i went and got some black acrylic instead. I figured it would match the paint really nice and well, it DOES!
  6. that black piece in the middle USED to be wood grain, i had my boy Chris (dr.db) shoot that when he shot the dash...
  7. here is a few more pics to show i do get off my ass every once in a while the Headliner and Handle above the glove box are being stiched up right now and im getting started on the center console. These pics really arent ready for show yet but i had to toss you guys a few so you know im working a little
  8. i also made a video today too - just a "progress video" so you can see what it looks like in motion instead of pics. Also, the wife volunteered for a hairtick
  9. thanks everyone....ok i finally brought the seats home...theyve been done for a minute but i didnt want to bring them home till i had a place to put them and my dog cant get to em I decided today was the day.
  10. Time to install some grill mesh....its pretty sturdy and sometime this week i will let it rip and see if it makes noise or affects the port at all. If it does the port grills will go but the x-overs will stay of course. I hope it doesnt because im really feeling this! 16ga mesh - "Butchered up" Painted to match no comments on the ports i have it under control. If its a problem, i will remove them. Thanks!
  11. now i needed my couch back so that means i just HAD to put the dash in to see how it would look. Its not screwed in yet but its "popped" together. Its so damn hard to get pics on something black and glossy but this is the best i can do. It looks 1000x better in person too the plan is to wrap the glove box, the piece below the steering wheel, the airbag and the handle in gray suede. .....still lots of work to do but im chippin away at it
  12. Just got my dash pieces back from the MAN Chris aka dr.db.....i was going to wait till tomorrow but they are so pretty i had to shoot some pics now!
  13. whatup man......you can get the hats at www.livneked.net - thanks man!!! :) puttin in work at 6:30am....... working for a commercial roofing company with a full functioning sheet metal shop has its advantages my man Harold handling that chit for me now i just got to paint them to match and insert them when i get home.....probably tonite or tomorrow. I hope the port doesnt make any noise with this over the hole because i think it will look cool. Ill just have to try i guess. The crossover holes will definitly look good with it.
  14. this will be painted grey and put where the holes for the xovers and also i am going to try the ports too. If it doesnt block any air or make any noise, it will stay. If it does its gone of course Tomorrow at work i will use our sheer to cut the pieces perfectly. time for a shower and some xbox to finish my sunday off
  15. im glad i did too http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/ind...showtopic=28162
  16. i was about to wrap these but i got back to back drunk phone calls....."get your ass up here". I dropped everything and i was gone
  17. here is more pics from this weekend.....before Chicken lured me up to his house to party AGAIN. I swear this guy puts booze and chicks before his system build :D Look at all these little parts that gotta get dealt with.....sucks ass but someone has to do it. I say rattle can and call it done headliner will be black and grey suede like the rest of the interior. I labeled ALL the parts what color/material i wanted them to be. So now it all makes a little sense....sorta
  18. thanks Chris, your paint is complimenting my dash mold real nice! check this thing out with the screen mounted in it.......
  19. tan doesnt match black and grey very good
  20. got home from work and almost fell asleep.......decided to go out and try and get SOMETHING done instead. we originally bought this pan for the EXT, but it didnt fit........turns out it was made for THIS make/year so im glad i held on to it!! naturally couldnt just take the damn tow hitch off, the air tank bracket is welded to it AND the frame. Nothin my Sui-Saw couldnt handle though The frame had to be cut anyway to make clearance for the pan