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Everything posted by meade916

  1. side by side....before and after now my camera doesnt show EXACTLY how it looks in person......but the 12,000k is bright white with a purple tint to it.....no blue at all. I wish i could replicate it, but its so bright the camera doesnt know what to make of it LOL. You can see it hits the ground white as hell.
  2. now on to the 12,000k HID headlight install.....Lows, Highs AND fogs! These things are the chit! Also VERY easy to install! here is the BEFORE, stock.
  3. a few pics.... just a bunch of boring wiring here it is.. ok first up is the alarm. i purchased a Viper 5900 and this man came by and worked till 11pm on it....as mentioned, he did a kick ass job!! after the removal of the ABORTION of an alarm that WAS in there, this is what was left..
  4. spent the day O'scoping they system and turning screws and gain knobs, fine tuning the 3sixty.2. Im happy to report NO clipping The alpine doesnt clip at all at full power so thats also good After tweaking gains for half the day, (no Eq'ing yet), i got started on some more LED's. sucks to have to pull it apart but at least i CAN when needed to get to the critical parts It was designed for easy access to everything - Soldered and heat shrunk.
  5. meade916

    New AA SMD Woofer

    no updates....and also a BIG no thanks on those amps you posted. i run RF and u know this mannnnnn! mid jan to feb, all details shall be revieled! sooner if scott lets me
  6. thanks!!! , i have 6 more of these LED's on the way for other "strategic" parts too
  7. more layers, a few more pics. Its ready to wrap and install the LED's...tomorrow (or saturday) Two of my favorite cans! The big holes house the LED's, the little holes are how i am going to attach this back on the console. That cupholder door USED to have to open to get to those screws, now i have to go thru everything since its permanently enclosed now.
  8. after that set-up, i added another layer (not shown) and started to get my sand on... its taking shape, tomorrow i will cut the LED holes out and finish sanding - then its time to wrap it and call it done!
  9. thanks! got them at plasmaled.com! they are the 009 series.. time to build a spot to mount these things.....
  10. I got the 2 little LED's i ordered......now i know what they are made of (bad as HELL) and i ordered more! This is ONLY 2 led's - i got other places to put these, stay tuned! What you see here is just me determining where they go for the rear console (projecting in to the box). The mold begins tonite after work
  11. today i ran the wires to relocate the AC controlls to in the inside of the center console. Yes its a lot of pics but if i didnt show you, you would think it was too easy Its not that it was THAT hard, just time consuming - so heres the pics. also, ive been DREADING having to do this for the longest time.......glad to get it done. To extend a plug with 23 wires = 46 solder joints and 46 heat shrinks so it does take some time.
  12. thanks everyone!! here is a small update before i head out into the cold to run wires....... yesterday i got the carpet in - now after i run tons of wires and extend the A/C controller wires out to the console i can actually start putting this together-together! tried to get a shot of the entire interior with the headliner minus the ugly tan trim - havent got the black (or grey) one yet.....
  13. meade916

    New AA SMD Woofer

    oh and thanks for the POSITIVE comments.....its nice to hear after reading some downright nasty comments on CA.com scott, i know ive told you on the phone thanks many times, but i havent done it publicly yet. THANKS SO MUCH for making this happen! Im having the time of my life right now, STOKED would be an understatement!
  14. meade916

    New AA SMD Woofer

    damn you got to see them before ME! Im planning on flying to Vegas in 2 weeks (after Sema fully dies down) so Scott and I can have a meeting - and then ill finally see my baby! 6 of them in your van? Now THATS what im talkin about! Tell me bro, how happy am i gonna be when i see this beast? i hope he goes through with it too! Tell your boss if he does pick up AA, ill send you guys out a few pieces of SMD swag! Have him go to www.livneked.net and hit the SMD tab to see if he is interested in anything. I got something for you too while im at it! It costs me money since i dont directly sell anymore, my boy does and kicks me a little - but it will be worth it to get another AA dealer on board! oh i dont work for AA, so this would be just a little token of my appreciation!
  15. AGAIN, the UGLY tan trim pieces will soon be black or grey (depending on where they are)...it will look "right" soon. Also, the steering wheel is on its way out too....one thing at a time here!
  16. thanks! Headliner in, Airbag wrapped, dash finally bolted down, A pillars back in....... ****Since i know SOMEONE will say something about it, i just thought id mention (if you havent figured it out by now) that anything TAN in the vehicle (like these trim pieces) will be black or grey in the next few days. Its ugly like that but will be nice once i change it out.
  17. hows this for an update remember this? Sean Katt, my upholstery guy, is the greatest! Not putting it in today though, i spent today (and all week so far) out on the roof volunteering some help to the guys out there since they needed a hand. My feet (and hands) are TIRED
  18. thanks!! some GOOD updates! Got the glove box and the other piece under the steering wheel... the Suede piece at the Airbag is getting embroidered right now with "SMD" (like my hats) down on the bottom right.......then when i get it back it will be tan no more