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Everything posted by meade916

  1. meade916

    Fi Rocks the house at Cali finals

    no, thats not my son its some kid we had on a hustle mission.....passin out Fi stickers. We hired him after he kept tryin to shoplift some shirts. We figured if we cant beat him join him (or hire )
  2. meade916

    Fi Rocks the house at Cali finals

    arrived friday evening and had about 2 hours of cleaning to do after a 2 hour drive in the rain.....
  3. ok the black is real hard to take pictures of in the dark but here goes.......
  4. meade916

    Quad alts for my Tahoe! (almost 1300 amps)

    Ok as requested here is a vid of the quads in motion tonite of course the cleaner version will be in my Video section....U tube has to do since i dont know how to work my own site LOL
  5. mirrors not mounted yet but its just an example of where im going with this
  6. well unless you like it, dont be too quick to judge it It looks REALLY good raw so with the mirrors and possibly a third tone (leather on the face to match new interior) it should look super tight. My digital cam has a hard time picking up something so dark black and at night......but i did the best i could. The box is now vortex'd inside and out (behind side rear doors too).... special thanks to my boy Mike Pope (and sidekick hahah) for comin out and workin his ass off till 11:30 pm on this chit........ Ok guys you know this means only one thing right? It means i can put the subs in
  7. meade916

    new vid i took at lunch....

    yup it dont matter where i go or what i do, i can always stop and someone wants to get in......the end result is more vids for my site enjoy....the cleaner version will be up on my site a little later. Youtube will have to do till my admin gets home oh and the quad alts is the chit it is CRAZY loud now damn......subs arent getting hot at all.
  8. meade916

    Quad alts for my Tahoe! (almost 1300 amps)

    thanks guys also thanks for the info on the tuning......right about now a brotha is just happy the motor is turning Its very stressfull but very satisfying to do a project like this. Its like whatever i do it is the difference between making it home and sitting on the side of the road. This is a TRUE daily driver so it has to be as reliable as stock......ive been checkin on it every day and been on and off the highway and bumper to bumper traffic.........so far so good!
  9. meade916

    Quad alts for my Tahoe! (almost 1300 amps)

    ummmmm if you dont know why, then you dont know me or my system, so why ask why? Your question can easily be answered if you look a little deeper....lets just say no, dual 300 just wasnt cutting it.
  10. meade916

    Quad alts for my Tahoe! (almost 1300 amps)

    im definitly interested in a few items to help horsepower......i mean it dont feel any different with 4 alts then it did with 2 but i could always use extra power. Electric fan is definitly in the question......watsup with this tune you speak of, i have the crap hypertech but i want the real deal. Can i use both? I AT LEAST need the hypertech to adjust the 26's to my speedo.....thats probably the best thing about it
  11. meade916

    Quad alts for my Tahoe! (almost 1300 amps)

    thanks man i cant tell you how stoked i am.......was a long ass nite bro.....(wipes brow)
  12. meade916

    Quad alts for my Tahoe! (almost 1300 amps)

    yes my engine has been ignored lately and got dirty.......i figured id clean it when im done.......which i did (see last pix) all wires soldered and heat-shrunk..... here is a piece from my old bracket. I decided to keep it on the team since it has been a loyal employee for 3 years
  13. meade916

    Quad alts for my Tahoe! (almost 1300 amps)

    OK after a long ass nite of hard ass work......and an install that was FAR from "plug and play"........i did it. Almost had it last nite but i gave up at 2am and crashed out. Woke up this morning with a headache and a mission and BAM..........i got it!! As you can see in this next set of pics i had to buy idler pullys which are larger then the ones i was SUPPOSED to get. The holes in the bearings were too big for my bolts so i had to make a sleeve for each of the four idlers. It is actually a metal spacer cut in half and another steel tube that fits inside of that one. Then the bolt fits inside perfect..........this was a MAKE It happen install. Part of my old bracket from the duals is actually being used to hold one of the idlers!! anyway enough talk heres the pics......its official im runnin quads!!! :D
  14. meade916

    Sick!--videos--152.3 bass race on TL

    VERY nice!! GREAT hairtrick GREAT score!!! Congrats!!! chits hittin man!!
  15. no offense but does it LOOK done sorry man i had to be a smart ass a little.......dont mean nothin by it. Seriously though......
  16. 8 ga done, now for some 4ga.....yes this is speaker wire. The buss bar has 8 ga in from the subs and 4ga out to the amp
  17. buss bars for the speakers fabbed up, 8 ga wire galore, 4ga speaker out to the amp, and some more 1/0 for the amps......lots of solder [
  18. meade916

    Resale or Trade back for credit?

    i dont think Fi takes "trade backs"....you may want to sell it yourself then upgrade with the cash.