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Everything posted by NB50

  1. NB50

    Hi, I'm rumproast789

  2. NB50

    RF t2000, PA Bamf 5500d, or AQ2200d?

    If those are the only choices I'd go RF then AQ. What Gibraltar are you going to?
  3. NB50


    They had the MAW's but I don't know why he discontinued them. The IXL's aren't that expensive though.
  4. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    trick question, Lemmy is god
  5. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Who would win in a fight Lemmy or god?
  6. NB50

    hi everybody im new an need advice

    Welcome If your going to spend the money on that deck you should consider going active.
  7. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes and no. Apple uses the same hardware but they put a security chip on the boards that the OS looks for when it loads. You have to hack the OS to get it to work.
  8. NB50

    Why did Fi take out the magnets in this years BTLs?

    It looks like there is a lot more machining in the new motors also, which will add to the cost.
  9. NB50

    BTL15 and Sundown

    Deka Intimidators Priced well and work well. http://www.remybattery.com/Products/Deka-I...9A31__9A31.aspx
  10. NB50

    question about a product?????

    Its hard to beat the price/performance ratio of these.
  11. NB50

    question about a product?????

    You wont be disappointed.
  12. NB50

    question about a product?????

  13. NB50

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    Read the post it was by Fallen @ (ROE) calm down calm down... from where was more of my question I am calm notice the smiley
  14. NB50

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    Looks great, I want to know how it sounds now. Read the post it was by Fallen @ (ROE)
  15. NB50

    another fi amp question

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=24104 About the same price range of hifonics and both of those amps will put the hifonics to shame and be powerful enough to run 2 SSD's.
  16. NB50

    help =(

    When you say there is power going into the amp are you talking about the positive and negative terminals or the rcas?
  17. NB50

    question about strapping

    Welcome Strapping information. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7406
  18. As many of you know of the recent errors but I still get them sometimes, also some of the stickies are nonexistent. Anybody else get the errors or is it just me?
  19. NB50

    SAZ 1500D

    Theres one in the for sale section. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=24052
  20. NB50

    Help me decide what to get

    Go with the sealed setup. It will be pretty loud, I had 2 12's sealed in a 90 firebird (Not the same I know but has similar trunk and hatch design) they had some good output.
  21. NB50

    Buying Fi SSD 15"

  22. NB50

    help =(

    Get a 3.5mm to RCA converter and hook it up to the amp with a mp3 player as the source. That will tell you if the LOC is faulty.
  23. NB50

    help =(

    On most head units even stock ones you have the option to fade the output to the left, right front, and back. If you have the LOC connected to one of the speaker connections that you are fading away from then you will get a lower RCA voltage creating little to no output.
  24. NB50

    help =(

    Which speaker connections are you using for the LOC? And are you fading those speaker connections? ie using rear connections and fading output to the front.