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Everything posted by NB50

  1. NB50

    ported vs sealed

    Instead of building a bigger sealed box, experiment with poly fill. Lightly stuff the box you have now.
  2. NB50

    ported vs sealed

    Your scrapping the bare minimum for a single twelve ported with those dimensions.
  3. NB50

    ported vs sealed

    What size SSD?
  4. NB50

    Which would be louder

    No mention of how much space you have?
  5. NB50

    lot of Q problems...

    The Q doesn't have enough motor force for a 22" cone, only the BL and BTL can push it. I believe they said they are using the Q motor for the 22" IB version.
  6. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    X2, but I can't decide if Lost Highway was worse or not. Both are pretty messed up.
  7. Did you use the different subs in the same enclosure?
  8. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Really? I guess it is some interesting scenery when you have beautiful well maintained buildings then a block later you have run down sh*tholes.
  9. NB50

    tuneing a sealed enclosure

    I think tuning is just a poor choice of wording. There will be a Fb that the driver and box combined likes to resonate at.
  10. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wouldn't be to an Aston Martin would it? Ya got me! You win another pic for having teh brains. Trying to figure out the model now. Sweet nonetheless.
  11. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wouldn't be to an Aston Martin would it?
  12. NB50

    what amp, and box design should i get ?????

    What does your electrical look like? Budget for amp? What kind of car? Max dimensions? What kind of music do you listen to? ETC...
  13. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I can't believe that is MN, if it said MO I'd believe it though. I live about an hour and a half from Apple Valley. I hope the purity army doesn't try to take over Winona. Ha, Apple Valley. That is the name of the preschool I went to, just a useless piece of information.
  14. NB50

    Started thinking.......

    Digging up the old stuff. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...st&p=225696 It will be a little different current draw between 3000 and 2 1500s.
  15. NB50

    ZED news update

    I'd love to see how he could better a USA series amp... Oh no doubt. I almost think I can get more power out of them as mine use the same boards as a higher model. At least that is the way I see it. Pics of mine are here. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=24973 Where the comparison between the model numbers on the boards are like this. USA2200F_____to___Model 600 200X2 @4ohms to 300X2 @4ohms 300X2 @2ohms to 400X2 @2ohms USA2300F_____to___Model 1000 300X2 @4ohms to 500X2 @4ohms 400X2 @4ohms to 700X2 @4ohms
  16. NB50

    AQ SDC2.5, DCSL LVL3, AA

    I'd like to know the dimensions to get 6.5 cubes in the trunk also. Short of building it in the trunk or putting it on the back seat I don't see it happening with out major modification. The problem is the trunk opening on the GP's, they are horrible to fit a enclosure through.
  17. NB50

    BL + Lows

    What type of enclosure were the MX's in?
  18. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh crap, now I'm scared I'm supposed to go out to Jackson on tuesday.
  19. NB50

    Oh no!

    What did you use to fix it? May be the kind of glue you used had ill effects on the cone material.
  20. NB50

    12" Fi Q BP power option?

    It is a promotion right now. They did it with the BL's a month or two ago.
  21. NB50

    12" Fi Q BP power option?

    Hence the head slap.
  22. NB50

    (1) 15" vs (2) 12" Nightshades

    I guess I'm confused, just because you have 3000W doesn't mean you need to give it that.
  23. NB50

    Hard to find info on SAE-1000D

    I believe they are replaced by the SAE-1200D. Jacob has a couple for sale. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=10634 Info can be found here. http://www.sundownaudio.com/1000d.html