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Everything posted by NB50

  1. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    They are just shoes, seriously. That attitude is unacceptable, immaturity at it's best. But there is one thing you have to remember..... No matter what a stripper tells you, there is no sex in the champagne room.
  2. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    "If you go to a movie theater and someone steps on your foot, let it slide. Why spend the next twenty years in jail cause' someone smudged your Puma."
  3. NB50

    Amp help

    What is a decent price?
  4. What are you looking to accomplish with the driver? and How good are you box building skills?
  5. NB50

    Pics of my new toy.

    Belt driven supercharger. Just realized how stupid "belt driven supercharger" sounded. How bought a centrifugal style supercharger.
  6. NB50

    Pics of my new toy.

    Nice, don't care to much for the stickers on the bottom of the car though. Belt driven supercharger.
  7. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nobodies going to take it?
  8. NB50

    btl question

    What do you mean? Can you explain a little? You kinda lost me there. He means what might be ideal for the BL might not be ideal for the BTL. So in other words the BL might do better in a 2ft^3 @ 32hz then the BTL would.
  9. NB50

    fi q 12 ported or sealed?

    If the sealed prefab is constructed well and fits the speakers requirements I see no problem using it.
  10. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I haven't made it to the driving rage yet. After the last time I played(Oct 6), I don't have any real ambition to play. I was duck hooking the ball and for someone that normally slices it, it was flustering. I seemed to fix my problem yesterday! I realized that I was tucking my right elbow into or even inside of my hip on my swing. So I made the conscious effort to try and keep it out, and it worked wonders. Also trying to make my right arm do more work pushing the club because I tend to just pull the club through with my left arm, which not only kills distance but oftentimes opens the club face due to the dragging and causes a slice. But I found that this fix not only helped the straightness, but I also picked the ball up off of the ground a lot better. I've always had problems with just skimming the ball along the ground, but I got it into the air basically every time. So point is, I think a lot of problems like these are a product of uneven force by both arms. That or rolling the wrists over too much (draw) or not at all (slice). Well my slicing problem was from an outside in swing pattern, which is easily correctable and had it pretty straightened out just the last time I played I got a hook going. I may have over corrected and started an inside out swing pattern, I don't know, there is only one way to find out where my swing is at and that is to hit the driving range.
  11. NB50

    HBD Mark (ssaudio)

    Happy Birthday
  12. What does the other side of the amp look like?
  13. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I haven't made it to the driving rage yet. After the last time I played(Oct 6), I don't have any real ambition to play. I was duck hooking the ball and for someone that normally slices it, it was flustering.
  14. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like my Pioneer H/U.
  15. NB50

    2.83 volts/1m vs 1w/1m

    To calculate 1W/1M SPL = 112+10*LOG((9.64*10^(-10)*FS^3*VAS)/QES) Vas = Liters
  16. NB50

    Fi SSD or Re Se

    IIRC the SSD is more comparable to the SX in output.
  17. Nope, resistor is not an option. Either a new sub, different amp, or a recone if you can get one. Welcome by the way.
  18. But from the pictures I've seen of them, from you guys posting, they are different from Michigan's. I used to go to them every weekend during the summer, even sometimes a couple in the same day. But when you start recognizing cars even at a shows 350 miles away it gets old.
  19. lol there is alot of car auto show here.. alot of poeple value thier cars out here and then you got the thrown together pieces of ishes and what not.. ill get the honors to demo this to people again ahhh never gets old As stated their is no car audio shows in Michigan, but if you wanted to you could go to a car show every day of the summer months in Michigan.
  20. NB50

    $145,000 Most Expensive Sub Ever Made!

    They really went overboard with that site, it was funny when some of the things were at least plausible but then think again and say that won't work.
  21. NB50

    DP or xcon?

    ask thumpper to compare the JBLs to XCONs here shortly. I bet he'll have a great comparison ready. lol i heard through the great bine that the icon would be a better comparison to the gtis but then again what do i know.. hahaha I've asked him about the GTi's vs the Icons and this is what he said.
  22. NB50

    HBD JohnEcon

    Happy Birthday.