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Everything posted by NB50

  1. can I cut you with them for spamming the site.
  2. NB50

    box program

    Make your own in a spreadsheet program or run a virtual box installation of windows to run your box programs on.
  3. Please explain this more, it doesn't make sense. I'm pretty sure that door knob I shocked today didn't need the current and I'm pretty sure it received it also.
  4. I just crimp with a bench vise and a center punch to fold it in, then I hit it with shrink tubing. If I can't pull the terminal off with medium/high pulling strength I don't see the need to solder.
  5. NB50

    Designing a 3 way active

    In an active setup you need a channel for each speaker.
  6. NB50

    Difficulty Finding Enclosure

    Your looking for a LOC (Line Output Converter) to hook up RCAs to a stock head unit. As for a new headunit what kind of features are you looking for out of it?
  7. I did not know serpentine belt played a factor in the electrical system, mines has cracks in it or so i was told when i got my car inspected guess im going to get that replaced later this week when im off The serpentine belt runs the alternator, if it slips on the alternator the alternator wont work to its full potential causing voltage drops.
  8. NB50

    Difficulty Finding Enclosure

    It could start a fire. As old school said, disconnect it from the battery or I usually just pull the fuse out that is by the battery.
  9. Good deal, I wouldn't run any more on that wire though. See if the owner manual states the fuse size you should use.
  10. I'm kinda curious as to how big your power wire is? A 60 amp fuse in there kinda leads me to believe it may be on the small side, maybe to small for that amp, I could be wrong though.
  11. would have been a minute but I was debating on the number to put down.
  12. 99.8% of people don't need them.
  13. NB50

    Difficulty Finding Enclosure

    I'd see if you could possible find a carpenter and see if they would do it for you. They would probably be cheaper then a shop and it would be pretty simple work for them. See if they have a smaller specialty wood store around you, I believe ones around me are named woodcraft, see if you could post an add on the bulletin in there to find someone. You could get a design from someone on the forum and take it to the carpenter with the wood and let them go to work.
  14. NB50

    rattlebox317's wmd2 12" box design

    Once again my humor goes over peoples heads. QueenMoab was a product pusher of pap from way back and has nothing to do with anyone on this site. I dont mean fan boy, most undoubtedly an employee of pap. The way the product pushing was done made it even worse, any thread dealing with subs had her in it saying they were the best and everything else was crap. One thing I can't stand is a company pushing product on me, sure fire way to get me to not buy your product. The company could have the greatest product in the industry, I still wouldnt buy it though. Among the other claims, from what I consider reputable sources, of them stealing designs and not designing their own products.
  15. NB50

    Fi Q questions

    No, just do the math on it real quick. 3ft^3 gross, and with out knowing port dimensions you don't know tuning. After any type of port displacement in that box it is going to be way undersized for a 15" driver.
  16. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've seen gas ones pull wheelies, was pretty sweet. Granted they were heavily modified with an 11hp engine, but still.
  17. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Why electric, why not gas?
  18. NB50

    rattlebox317's wmd2 12" box design

    Because QueenMOAB said so.
  19. NB50

    15 bl box problem

    LOL, did we I don't even remember. I was getting ready for you to dispute it, but I know its right and geometry agrees with me.
  20. NB50

    15 bl box problem

    Try this.
  21. NB50

    15 bl box problem

    Might want to recalculate those, I fail to see how you can have a 14"h port when the enclosure is only 14"h. No, the math is right, I'm just a damned goof for saying it was 14", the port height is 12.5". 5.25 times 12.5 is 65.6 divide that by 4.2 (net box size) that equals 15.6sqin per cuft. like i said earlier all the math is a little quick, but good enough to work by. The enclosure and the tuning are correct, I just wasn't thinking when I mentioned the port height. Are you doing this by hand or a calculator? I am not getting the same numbers at all. You also can't have a 23.5" port in the enclosure, it will be longer then that because that will end in the corner.
  22. NB50

    15 bl box problem

    Might want to recalculate those, I fail to see how you can have a 14"h port when the enclosure is only 14"h.
  23. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    At the junk yard in a junked bus?????
  24. Interesting, I find the ratings amusing. I remember a time when AQ was touting about rating their amplifiers spot on and not purposely underrating to move product. Now they are playing the underrating game.