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Everything posted by NB50

  1. NB50

    which way to go

    How much space is available?
  2. NB50

    4 sa 10s box help

    Could have just fixed it.
  3. NB50

    Now Playing!

    Cyberpunks are Dead! - Atari Teenage Riot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl5swNfFinY
  4. NB50

    Now Playing!

    People Are Strange - The Doors
  5. NB50

    Now Playing!

    Waves of Disaster - Atari Teenage Riot
  6. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Alright good to know, thanks guys.
  7. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That is a retarded amount of money for a 32". The picture on my panny is better, it is 3 years old, and was the same price then for a 46" Well I'd imagine its because of using the LED technology, its on a 48 hour sale for ~650.
  8. NB50

    Fi Q 15 Dual 1ohm

    It's going to be hard to find an amp in that power range to handle a .5 ohm load. Most of the amps that handle that type of load will be larger output amps. You could get a used 1500d that Jacob has but it makes no sense to run an amp a .5 ohm for daily use, just way to much stress on all your equipment to be logical.
  9. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyone have any experience with LG tv's? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889005156&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL080510&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL080510-_-EMC-080510-Index-_-LEDLCDTV-_-89005156-LT0D http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889005148&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL080510&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL080510-_-EMC-080510-Index-_-LCDTV-_-89005148-LT0C Curious about picture quality , reliability, etc.
  10. NB50

    Now Playing!

    Reflection - Tool.
  11. Don't know that one, I made mine. I would email them to you but its over 250mb.
  12. I use single tones from 20 to 60hz in 1hz increments. A sweep may work but could be to fast to adjust while its playing, depends on the duration of the sweep.
  13. If you have a scope they why would you use one tone? Use tones from 20 to 60hz and keep adjusting it until you don't have clipping. You can set you amp with one tone at 40hz but move it up to 50 hz and have clipping.
  14. NB50

    Kerf Question

    Its been a while since I've done a kerf port, can't recall exactly, but its easy to draw in sketchup and figure out how long the board needs to be and where to start cutting. Thats what I did last time, when I made this.
  15. The RE calculator isn't all that accurate. The box is to small, After all displacements you end up with 1.5ft^3 tuned to ~ 29hz, and you should do a double baffle and bracing will take up space in the box.
  16. NB50

    Measure imp rise

    4.337 ohms Play through the frequencies taking voltage and current measurements for each, then use ohms law to calculate impedance R=V/I. R= Resistence/impedance V = voltage I = Current.
  17. NB50

    Now Playing!

    Liar - Henry Rollins.
  18. NB50

    Now Playing!

    Complication - NIN
  19. NB50

    Kerf Question

    One continuous piece.
  20. NB50

    Now Playing!

    Peace Frog - The Doors
  21. NB50

    New Enclosure

    Assuming 3/4 inch MDF, after all displacements 3.73ft^3 @ ~35hz ~14.9 in^2/ft^3 I'd really seriously consider a double baffle and some bracing with the BTL.
  22. NB50

    1500bd vs Dual 4ohm

    I believe he is asking if there is any difference in the wiring like the picture, which there isn't
  23. NB50

    1500bd vs Dual 4ohm

    There is no difference in wiring, they both deliver electricity in the same way.