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Everything posted by NB50

  1. NB50

    Rockford Fosgate 700x 4 channel

    Closed per OP request.
  2. NB50

    2 SSA XCON Re-cone kits. (new)

    Please read the rules.
  3. NB50

    new to the forum

  4. NB50

    Sundown Audio 50.4 and 125.2

    You must post pics with a username and date. Upload them to photobucket or similar and use the image links.
  5. It might be best to PM him about this seeing how old the thread is. Don't buy that !!!!!!!!!!! Please don't post dump in the mans thread.
  6. NB50

    *** WTT: JL HD-750/1 for 1200/1 ***

    You must have a price for the Item your selling, you also need a picture with username and date.
  7. NB50

    Reputation Police- Someone needs an ass whoopin

    Hmm, news to me.*goes to search* Unfortunately its not the same here. I can see who votes up or down on CA-F but not here.
  8. NB50

    serious line noise with MINOTAUR II

  9. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/58648-sundown-x-series-10121518-pre-order-eta-june-2013/ Baskets the same for X and Z4 series so cutout should be the same.
  10. NB50

    Fi SP4 12"

    because one has a 3in coil and one has a 4in coil. Wont work.
  11. NB50


    Please read the classified rules. http://www.soundsolu...ssifieds-rules/
  12. NB50

    Door panel help

    Why was Sean's post edited?
  13. NB50

    xcon recone

    Depends on size, that is for the 10".
  14. NB50

    Design box help for 2 gcon 10s

    One sheet will do.
  15. NB50

    xcon recone

  16. NB50

    possible defective amp

    How are you making sure each amp is matched?
  17. http://web.archive.org/web/20020311113946/http://www.markantony.cc/gspotseries.htm
  18. NB50

    Thinking About Getting An AR-15? Advice?

    Don't worry about it and move along. No need to keep dumping in the thread and derailing it.
  19. NB50

    Setup help

    Putting a quick easy slot ported design through it shows it to be really inaccurate. Haven't tested the others but if it can't do a slot port i wouldn't trust it with anything else.
  20. NB50


  21. NB50

    Setup help

    I wouldn't trust that calculator at all.
  22. NB50

    cracked basket

    The basket is aluminum, it isn't going to be easy to weld. You need a new basket and recone.