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Everything posted by NB50

  1. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Server rack????
  2. NB50


    Pretty stupid you don't even explain why. I'll do it for you. Reading > me. the site I went to ( http://www.maxxsonics.com/corporate/news_0107_Hif_MAXXLINK.html ) said nothing about having to use pairs of amps so I assumed you could use an odd number, but apparently you must use pairs of amps with it. http://www.hifonics.com/Hifonics_Maxxlink.html
  3. NB50


    Use for strapping 3 amps
  4. NB50

    strange sound

    I'm not even sure I would trust him to build the box. Amount and size of a sub doesn't dictate what it will be able to play. For anyone wondering the box I designed for him is a double baffle 2.2ft^3 @ ~35hz with 34.375in^2 of port area.
  5. If its a slot port the numbers are wrong. It will be more like 3.9ft^3 @ 32hz
  6. NB50

    MEGALITH finally?

    http://www.zedaudiocorp.com/PDF/ZedManual-A.pdf Pages 39 and 40.
  7. NB50

    MEGALITH finally?

    This make me angry, kinda screws with my plans. It also makes me want to get the new upgraded Leviathan. The Dreadnaught is going to be SICK. He told me about this months ago, but I was sworn to keep my trap shut. Not sure I need that much power but all of the upcoming stuff sounds really good. I like the sounds of the RA but I didn't really notice a mention of a subsonic filter on it, would be nice if it is geared towards sub woofer duties. Well the difference with ZED, is the very high value. Meaning they may be higher then your average bear price wise, but the feature set, the engineer behind them, the technology, the life span of the amplifiers and the well known performance, the price is well worth it. Also add resale value as I don't see them depreciating as much as other amplifiers, although they are the kind of amp you hold on to.
  8. NB50

    Anything new?

    Really quite sad, I remember way back when emailing him questions and he always answered in a timely fashion. Excellent customer service.
  9. NB50

    MEGALITH finally?

    This make me angry, kinda screws with my plans. It also makes me want to get the new upgraded Leviathan.
  10. NB50


    Why do you feel the need to run that much power to a 600W rms rated woofer?
  11. http://www.zedaudiocorp.com/PDF/ZedManual-A.pdf Page 13 in manual. Says 25 amp fuse for 4 ohm operation 60 amp for 2 ohm operation, you should be fine with 4 gauge wire.
  12. Why don't you explain to me why it shouldn't.
  13. I've set my gain with a scope before and just because you don't have clipping a 50hz doesn't mean it won't be clipping at 30hz. I just made a bunch of tones in 1 hz increments from 25hz to 60hz and went threw them adjusting as I went. Truthfully after setting the gain with a scope it was much easier to set it by ear. If anything it is worth the experience I suppose.
  14. If your going to spend the time to set the gains with a scope, why would you only do it at one frequency?
  15. NB50

    So it came...

    Still not convinced, putting your ear up to a sub at high volume and being able to pinpoint where a sound is coming from, not going to buy that one. You could have created a new loose panel in the car. Also kinda find it odd to get a metallic sound from a wood enclosure.
  16. NB50

    So it came...

    Kinda curious, have you tried playing the sub in the box outside of the vehicle?
  17. NB50

    PG 2011 Products

    That Ti1600.5 looks so nice, I really am starting to have a thing for all in one amps to run the whole stereo off of. Didn't notice a mention of a subsonic filter for the sub channel though.
  18. NB50

    Need help building a ported box!

    Yes FunBogie, Ive looked at the recommended enclosure. I know what design Im looking for. My forum states that I have limited room due to replacing my shitty BOSE factory 6x9's they hang lower than expected. Also to note, my torsion bar is broke off weld from my previous box being too tall. I have to limit the height in order not to interfere with those. Would it work the same lowering the box and going deeper? Yes it would work. When you decrease the height dimension, you will increase the depth or width dimension to maintain the same internal volume. Does that make sense? This might make it easier because it has already calculated the port area for you and the exact recommended interior volume for your particular subwoofer. Just play with the recommended design dimensions until it works for you and has the same internal volume and port area. I wouldn't use their box recommendations. The "SQ" box is tuned to 40hz and the "SPL" box is tuned to 44hz.
  19. NB50

    Weird Buzzing Sound

  20. http://www.woofersetc.com/p9187/LRx-12k--Audison-Monoblock-3200W-ABD-Class-Amplifier.htm
  21. NB50

    active set up cheap suggestions

    I still think you would get a better improvement from deadening then just switching to an active setup. and.. Just because you get a 880/9887 doesn't mean you have to use it as a head unit , you can use your current head unit and use it like you would have a normal processor. You would also get advantages over using amp crossovers such as, an eq and time alignment.
  22. NB50

    active set up cheap suggestions

    Your budget is pretty low. Your going to need at least two more channels of amplification and a processor. How are your components installed?? deadening?? Your biggest improvement will come from deadening and proper positioning. If all that is good then... In my opinion if you can't save up more money try to find a used 880 or 9887 for processing and pick up a group buy Boss REV-665 if there is any left. Both of those should put you around $300 - $350 maybe less if you can find some good deals. Keep the component set for now, ditch the crossovers and run them active.
  23. NB50

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    LMAO... Started to read your post and all i could see was the dog in the pic (I had to scroll to the bottom). I was trying to figure why/who would ship a dog.
  24. NB50

    stuck on speakers

    The reason I asked is because of the previously stated, I don't believe you can fit 2 15" subs in a ported enclosure in that trunk. I've designed a box for a 15" L7 in that year impala for a friend, don't remember the gross volume of the box but net was 3.5ft^3 and there wasn't very much room for a bigger box.