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Everything posted by NB50

  1. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Luckily you didn't. I did and am not at all impressed with the customer service I had. Granted I got the sub but it was like pulling teeth just to get it.
  2. NB50


    Its up to the people involved.
  3. NB50

    Few basic questions, details inside.

    False. One in series and one in parallel will be wired down to 2 ohms final. False. 1/((1/4)+(1/1)) = .8ohms.
  4. NB50

    Box Design

    Yes, I got it at around 33hz. But your port area is really suffering.
  5. NB50

    Box Design

    I'm getting more like 5.7ft^3 @ ~44hz after all displacements.
  6. Nope Theres got to be as much steel in the top plate alone of the Flatlyne as there is in the whole motor of the LI.
  7. NB50

    MEGALITH finally?

    I thought that also. Oh well, it is what it is. I'm sure it will be a good option to what is out there.
  8. NB50

    MEGALITH finally?

    It would be a nice option, like you said most amps have a subsoinc but not all, like if I wanted to use my 2300f for sub duty I would be SOL. True.... Perhaps this has more to do with the direction of amps nowadays. That would be a nice amp, but how many people are really gonna run a big old school A/B amp for sub duty? Could the RA benefit from a SSF? Sure, but it's a redundant feature for most amps. Not trying to be argumentative. I am anxious to get my hands on one. I just don't see it as a redundant feature. How many amps have fixed subsonic filter which would benefit from a variable external. Or for a person that would like to run a single 4channel amp, fronts on comps and the rear for sub duty. I just think it would have made the RA that more versatile. Also not try to be argumentative just curious as to why Zed wouldn't want to make it even more versatile.
  9. NB50

    audioque hdc3 15'' wierd noise

    Subsonic is really quite low, set it to ~33hz.
  10. NB50

    MEGALITH finally?

    It would be a nice option, like you said most amps have a subsoinc but not all, like if I wanted to use my 2300f for sub duty I would be SOL.
  11. No more trunk left. Just a couple suggestions, I'd look into doing something to build up the rear suspension with all the extra weight back there. And be careful with the peel and seal, may be great now but come summer time I'd be careful of it loosing adhesiveness and stinking up the car.
  12. NB50

    3 Sub Impedance Question

    Your power distribution would be uneven.
  13. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL, Funky Pup Crochet http://cuddleup-crea...tern_p_144.html
  14. http://www.dekabatteries.com/assets/base/1143.pdf 3/8 X 16
  15. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Reamers have my head hurting.
  16. NB50

    Now Playing!

    Love Stinks - J Geils Band
  17. NB50

    Now Playing!

    Have you seen her - The Chi-lites
  18. NB50

    Amp Rack/ False Floor

    Your false floor doesn't have to be mdf either. Mine is 1/2" thick ply.
  19. NB50

    Anyway to Access old threads?

    I searched your name but broke it up by sections. IE searched only the manufacturers section or general audio section etc.
  20. NB50

    Anyway to Access old threads?

  21. NB50

    Help Please

    Are you looking for a component set or just mids?
  22. I had my 2 12"s in 1.2ft^3 each after displacement. Power ranged from 500 - 1400 watts to the pair. I loved them here is my review on them. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/25213-12-flatlyne-review/
  23. NB50

    Extra Spider for 12 Q?

    I'd be very careful putting that much power to a sub in a 6th order bandpass. It will mask the sounds of a failing driver and by the time you know its failing it will be to late.