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Everything posted by NB50

  1. NB50

    Death Penalty 12 D2

    Enclosure recommendations. http://www.incriminatoraudio.com/update/index.php?page=3&cat=2
  2. Did you try a different source, ie Ipod with 3.5mm to RCA cable?
  3. NB50

    Problem with front speakers

    Put the speakers on baffles, your probably getting some cancellation not having the rear wave isolated from the front.
  4. NB50

    Help with a Dual SA8 box?

    Your port can't be 14" H if your box is 14" H then.
  5. NB50

    solo x 10's or mtx 9500 15's???

    lol. that would be sick. have a spl sub and a somewhat sq sub. i wonder how it would sound.
  6. NB50

    Help with a Dual SA8 box?

    Are you doing a slot port?
  7. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Spamming it up to sell something.
  8. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yep. I guess market research shows more people add an amp for a subwoofer then for their front speakers. Which is stupid because you can still use the front full range output for sub duty. Are you sure it is only sub frequencies or is it just a non fading output.
  9. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Weird they would only put sub out rca's. Every one I've seen with single rcas is a front output.
  10. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What head unit is it?
  11. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Aaron, newegg has a special on Sennheiser HD 428 for 48 hours. 44.99 with promo code EMCYTZT745. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826106295&nm_mc=EMC-EXPRESS091011&cm_mmc=EMC-EXPRESS091011-_-EMC-091011-Index-_-index-_-26106295
  12. NB50

    solo x 10's or mtx 9500 15's???

    Id go with one of each.
  13. NB50

    Problems with the new Fi SSD 15"

    He did not have his sub wired at 4 ohms. He shorted one coil and was only using the other coil to power the sub.
  14. NB50

    Is bigger better?

    I wouldnt suggest using this one, the area to the left of the port could act as "dead" area. Meaning the sub wont use it and you'd have a box way different then you originally calculated.
  15. NB50

    Problems with the new Fi SSD 15"

    The gap for a d2 is the universal option, so yes he can.
  16. NB50

    Fi Q 15 box sealed

    You can tune a sealed system by using different enclosure volumes. Using the same sub each volume will have a different Fc and F3.
  17. NB50

    Black and blue sale and amp question

    Hard to suggest an amp without knowing what coils you have on the sub.
  18. NB50

    Sub suggestions....

    IA will be having their black and blue sale real soon
  19. NB50

    Sundown Audio Phone number???

    Even white boys got to shout.... BABY GOT BACK!
  20. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How did you calculate for the multiple aero ports? It all comes down to port area. If you input more then one aeroport, the area of each port is added together, then port length is found for that total port area. Example: 10" circle = 78.54in^2 area. 2 10" circles = 157.08in^2 area. Same as: 1"x78.54" slot port, or 2"x157.04" slot port. That's wrong. You need to divide the box volume by number of ports and use that number and the area of one port. Also not accounting for flares, I wouldn't call it an aero port calculator then.
  21. NB50

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How did you calculate for the multiple aero ports?
  22. If you want to keep them the same you can use the SAX 125.2 http://www.soundsolu...%252d125.2.html
  23. NB50

    Xcon 15" specs....
