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Everything posted by Silverbane

  1. Silverbane

    Q15 vs 2 BL 12's

    Are you gonna run 1500 PER SUB at 1 ohm? If that is the case, it will be considerably louder but at the cost of SQ... Even if it were 1500 for the two, I would then reccommend a pair of SSD 12's or a BL fully loaded for the 1500 alone. Just be gently on gains. If you are gonna run 2 BL's off 1500 Watts (750 each) you are wasting your $ right now...they will not be near full potential.
  2. Silverbane

    SAE-1000D Pre-Order Open

    Cosmetics here: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7734
  3. Silverbane

    First wallpapers up!

    It is under the random pictures in the rides section. This is only the first of quite a few I hope to see. Kyle has been a touch busy with his other job but promised he will get me the 1500 soon! Anyways, without further ado: http://www.sundownaudio.com/rides/random/p...wallpapers.html If you would like to submit your own, please contact me at [email protected].
  4. Silverbane

    which amp for the bl 18

    Sundown Audio SAE-1000D. Preorder @ $250. Fully loaded BL look for a 1500D. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7669
  5. Silverbane

    Couple more vids up....

    If I am not mistaken he has 4 18" BTL's with roughly 16k watts worth of rockford amps. I might be wrong though. I know it is not walled!
  6. Silverbane

    What to look for in a car audio battery?

    I am happy with my optima's. Redtop under hood, will have a 34 series blue in trunk. Solid Batteries!
  7. Silverbane

    Wallpaper teaser

    1500D is coming!
  8. Silverbane

    Wallpaper teaser

    You should feel teased. Iw ill be posting res sizes tomorrow. Hopefully second wallpaper by Saturady as well.
  9. Silverbane

    Trying to order 2 18" baskets & recone kits...

    If you cant get anyone there, try emailing nick, he is usually pretty helpful! [email protected]
  10. Well gents, I have accepted the task of getting the 'Rides' section of Sundown Audio website back up and keep it relativly updated. Glad to be 'partially on-board' the team here... . Anyways, in order to make a successful 'Rides' section, I need some rides to feature. Basically I am looking for anyone to up some pics and descriptions for us to throw up on SundownAudio.com. Also if you have ideas or suggestions for the rides section, I would very much like to hear your input. Oh, and my name is Brad (SilverBane here on forums) and you can contact me at [email protected] I hope to get some mail soon!!!
  11. Silverbane

    Help with a Q

    Good suggestion on the round port. That is a nice way to get what he wants...
  12. Silverbane

    Help with a Q

    30 wide x 14 tall x 21 deep is 1.8cuft at 30Hz.
  13. Look for them in the next week! Got my artist working on them now. Will be 4 to start, simple, clean, and a little stylish! Available resolutions: 1600x1200 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 If there are any other resolutions you would like, please let me know.
  14. Silverbane

    BTL help

    Thry to find a used Crossfire VR2000D, Orion 2500D or a Kicker 2500. You might even strap another BXI 1606... Is it a Dual 1 or Dual 2 Sub?
  15. Silverbane

    in a bit of a predicament

    What is more important to you, SQ or SPL? The Q's will sound noticeable better but the BL should be louder. However, the Q's will be plenty loud as well...
  16. Silverbane

    Help with a Q

    Have you considered a sealed box?
  17. Silverbane

    Help with a Q

    http://www.subwoofertools.com/forum/ported...mp;Fs=&CE=0 http://www.subwoofertools.com/forum/ported...mp;Fs=&CE=0 These are what i came up with...Seems the depth is a little too much for both the min and max. I, however am no expert in boxes and this is some basics... And yes, you are ok to screw the amp to the box.
  18. Silverbane

    BTL help

    You def need more power to those subs. They are stiff because you are not even nearing full extension with the below RMS power. Look at minimum 2k watts (preferable closer to 2.5k). If you are fully loaded, you probably will want higher... You may get away with a only doing Big 3 and additional batterys for 2-2.5k watts rms.
  19. Silverbane

    Rides section on SundownAudio.com

    Website is simple HTML for now. And at that I am doing very basic coding. I will eventually implement a coppermine system, but for now, this is fine. Thing that is screwing me up is it has been a long time since I did basic HTML and I keep putting in C++ code. Dont ask me how, but I continually do it...Or I will end up loading VS.Net instead of notepad...I figured it had been 3 years since i did web work, start slow... As for quitting networking, too much alone time. Killed me. Believe it or not, Wal-Mart pays decent and they treat me well. Cant complain!
  20. Silverbane

    SAE-1000D Pre-Order Open

    Will that pricing remain for a small time after the preorder?
  21. Silverbane

    Rides section on SundownAudio.com

    A log would be great, Ill put them all there then they are all together!
  22. Silverbane

    Rides section on SundownAudio.com

    I would appreciate if you guys coule email them to me along with specs on your car and audio...
  23. Silverbane

    two 15 bl vs two 18 ssd

    How much room you have and what amp you working with?
  24. Silverbane

    FI X's?

    No because they are technically not made anymore (discontinued)... Scott is offereing to make some out of spare parts they have left over
  25. Silverbane

    Amp for 4 SSD15's

    copied/pasted from roe.... hey, i can get a really good deal on Crossfire VR-4000's. These amps are 2000x1 at 4 ohms, and 4000x1 at 2 ohms(all of these ratings are at 12.5 volts). They are not one ohm stable but can be burped at low ohm loads, they create massive amounts of power at only 12.5 volts. They have dual power and dual grounds and have 1/0 gauge terminals. These amps will power the hell out of anything you put it on. Trying to get a few people togeather to go in on the deal with me. I am ordering 8 myself and can get you as many as you want. They are brand new in the box directly from the factory and will be only $700 shipped, thats right only $700 dollars. Do not pass up this sweet deal, Let me know if you are interested, (989)928-7793 or [email protected]. www.crossfirecaraudio.com __________________ Crossfire makes extremely high quality stuff and that is a awesome price on a 4000d. I know I had a 600 D and that amp is still banging hard (brothers car)...almost 5 years later and that includes after being left in a flooded basement...