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Everything posted by wichy

  1. wichy

    I cut two fingertips off today

    Man, looking at those pictures reminds me of my little mishap with a tablesaw. Was a stupid kid cutting a 2x4 with gloves and wasnt paying attention and the blade caught the glove. Basically the saw blade cut down the left side of my left middle finger. I ended up having to get like 15 stitches. Luckily the only thing that is permanent is the scar. Glad you are okay. I learned the hard way with the tablesaw and am always damn careful whenever I use one. Oh, and definitely air them out. It makes the healing process go much faster. Keep them bandage to prevent infection but airing them out will allow them to scab over and then you wont have to keep them bandaged.
  2. wichy

    favorite songs

    My Top Three: 1. Young Jeezy - Hypnotize 2. Jibbs - King Kong 3. E40 - U and ****
  3. wichy

    tight fit

    X2 Good luck with that. The size of my trunk wasnt usually the problem. It was the size of the actual opening and being able to slide the **** thing in there. I had to change my box design about four times before I got it to be able to fit into my trunk and still have the volume I needed.
  4. wichy

    Post pics of your install!

    Well since we can't see it for a little while, I'll post the pics of the background and some of the other pictures I made. Again, give me some constructive criticism/opinions so that I can change anything before everything gets cleared up.
  5. wichy

    Post pics of your install!

    Hey, I have a whole Fi themed myspace done. I uploaded the word file here http://www.savefile.com/files/587897 If you need help let me know and if you dont like or what something changed let me know.
  6. wichy

    Post pics of your install!

    Let me know if u need some backgrounds done. I can do some pretty sweet stuff w/ photoshop cs2. Here are some examples: \ And here are some picsof my ssd's not installed. I'll get u some pics of them in the box tomorrow.
  7. wichy

    Building/Shipment Status

    Yea, mine finally shipped yesterday. They will be here two weeks to the day that I ordered them cuz UPS doesnt ship on the weekends which really sucks. **** I hate waiting for stuff like this. Drives me nuts. I guess I have the weekend now to finish my box and glass my trunk. I'll post pics of the build. Maybe I'll do the big 3 if funds are right.
  8. wichy

    Building/Shipment Status

    Thank you for letting me know. It seems that maybe the UPS tracking site isnt very accurate or not updated often because all it has on there is that the billing info was recieved. I can't wait to get them. I guess even if I dont, then I will have the weekend to build my boxes, glass my trunk, and get it painted. Thanks again.
  9. wichy

    Building/Shipment Status

    Name is Ryan Wichman and I place an order with you guys last Tuesday and was just curious as to maybe an estimate on when I might see it show up on the UPS tracking site. I realize you guys are backed up but was just wondering if I'm gonna see my two 12" SSD D2's before the weekend. I got my amp and box all set up and this is killing me to have to wait. You know how it is. Thanks.
  10. wichy


    Hey everyone. I'm new to this forum. Found it while surfing on Fi's website. Just purchased two 12" SSD's and I am stoked to get them. The first system I had was definitely a newb setup but it worked out for the six months that I had it. I had 2 12" RF P1's, a Profile 1000w amp, and a pioneer deck - cant remember what model off hand. The box was a sealed box that had a space in the middle for the amp to sit and had a neon light above it that turned on when I opened the trunk. Anyways, can't wait to get started on my new system and looking forward to being a part of this forum.