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Everything posted by Hobofobo89

  1. Hobofobo89

    1 SP4 12 or 2 SSD 12

    Alright in about a month i plan on buying new subs, I’m looking to spend around 600$. I was originally wanting to get two 12" SSD's, but now that the SP4 line is out idk. i can get one 12” SP4 for about the same price as two SSD, my question to yall is which is a better buy? What will i be more pleased with? Which one hits harder? Which one sounds better? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hobofobo89

    1 SP4 12 or 2 SSD 12

    hmm ok. well thanks for the help!
  3. Hobofobo89

    1 SP4 12 or 2 SSD 12

    Well thats one of the promblems my friend has with his 15" Q, one it dosnt responed fast enough and two it cant hit the higher freqs. These things are important to me, do you have any tips so this dosnt happen to me?
  4. Hobofobo89

    1 SP4 12 or 2 SSD 12

    i could very easliy fit a 18 in my trunk, i drive a grand marquis it has alot of room. so from what im geting here is get a 18 SP4?
  5. Hobofobo89

    1 SP4 12 or 2 SSD 12

    haha i was just thinking the same thing
  6. Hobofobo89

    1 SP4 12 or 2 SSD 12

    im just a fan of 12's i think they sound better. Please tell me you're joking... iv only heard larger subs 2 times, and each time i dident like them very much. granted the person who owned them was stupid and knew nothing, so he could of wired them wrong. whats your take on larger size subs?
  7. Hobofobo89

    1 SP4 12 or 2 SSD 12

    im going to be useing a hifonics amp, the size i get depends on what subs i buy. im just a daily driver, i like loud bass but i also like it to sound good. im lookin at spending about 2000K between subs , amp, wires ect.
  8. Hobofobo89

    1 SP4 12 or 2 SSD 12

    im just a fan of 12's i think they sound better.
  9. Hobofobo89

    New alternator

    No not right now, my batterie is still pretty new.
  10. So I’m in the process of upgrading my cars electrical system, I’ve just done the big 3 and would now like to move on to the alternator. One problem thou, i know nothing about them or what kind i would need. Any info on them would be greatly appreciated. I have two amplifiers one a Kicker ZX350.4 and the other a Hifonics Brutus BRZ2400.1D all together they = about 300 amps, idk if this info will help but here it is lol
  11. Hobofobo89

    New alternator

    Ya its for my merc. Thanks for the help ill give them a look.
  12. Alright iv ran into a bit of a problem. I have two amps one a Kicker ZX350.4 which accepts 8 AWG wire and the other a Hifonics Brutus BRZ2400.1D which accepts 1/0 AWG. Im runing 0 AWG wire from the battery to my trunk, i cant find a dist. block that will work with these wires. any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hobofobo89

    Wireing help.

    Ok did not know that. Thanks.
  14. Hobofobo89

    Wireing help.

    Well yes but the kicker amp wont accept 0 AWG wire.
  15. say bruh lets light up a blezzy some time

  16. yo weed man! whats up bruh!?

  17. Hobofobo89

    New to Form

    Hi my name is Payne Hughes im from wisconsin and have just joined this form. Iv always loved car audio but am just now starting to get into it. i hope to learn alot:) thanks for haveing me.
  18. Hobofobo89

    BP option?

    Wheres the BP option when buying the 12 SSD? Is it not offered any more?
  19. Hobofobo89

    BP option?

    Does the cooling option add any RMS to the sub?
  20. VERY NICE! thank you thats exactly what i was looking for.
  21. Hi im looking to buy two Fi 12" SSD's and want to hook them up to only one amp, is it possible to wire them at 1 OHM?
  22. so it is possible i just need to figure out how to wire it?