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Everything posted by Flipx99

  1. Flipx99

    Fi is taking to long! Fed up

    When I bought my Q, it took more than a couple weeks. It was because my name did not populate in the mailing and only my e-mail and username. I simply e-mailed scott, he told me what was up, and I got it in a couple days. No big deal. There is no need to make a thread when a simple e-mail will suffice.
  2. Flipx99

    mj-18 box

    4". I would still rather go with the 8s though. It's either this or the 8s, depending on what you can do. I will be using an alpine pdx 1.1000 so I have 1,000 from 2-4.
  3. Flipx99

    mj-18 box

    How does box size correlate with box size? I am thinking two mf-18s, but I only have 1,000 watts. Perhaps 1 18 would be better as I can better power and port it. What is the reccomended port area for these subs? I assume my two aeroports won't be enough.
  4. Flipx99

    DB Drag World Finals Annoucement

    I went last year and got to meet several people on the forum because it was at one place. Now, people are going to go to the nearest location, therefore, I won't be as able to meet anyone. I know since I am a spectator and not a competitor, I don't matter but still.... Atleast dBdrag can afford lights, USACi can't. Without the spectators footing a good portion of the bill, dBdrag will be in the dark as well. I am also curious how bass race will work....bass race via telcom?
  5. I would be interested in participating. I really want to get into bass race this year.
  6. Flipx99


    I have a MD2D and a MD3D. I love the amps.
  7. Flipx99

    SAE-1000D Pre-Order Open

    Is that true about 2000@ 2 ohms strapped? Also, what kind of amperage draw would I expect with that setup (ie what kind of electrical do I need to pull it off)