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Everything posted by rythe88

  1. rythe88

    Zcon 15 or 18

    Why would you assume that no manufacturer would produce a sub that doesn't sound good. That's like saying that no director would make a movie that sucks
  2. rythe88

    Zcon 15 or 18

  3. rythe88

    Zcon 15 or 18

    I know the zcon is a beast ive seen videos so I know it gets very loud. And I have not specifically found a sub to compare it with I'm just looking for ideas. But I don't know how good it sounds because its impossible to determine sound quality from a vid. So basically I'm wondering if they are accurate and get low. And I know it will depend on the box. But some subs will just not sound good in any box. Oh and the subs I've had experience with are ssa dcons and they were really good for such a low price. And some 2 400 watt Kenwood 12s. Don't remember the model. A friend of mine has some rf 15's and they sound awesome but idk exactly what they are
  4. rythe88

    Zcon 15 or 18

    Pretty sure I'm going with the zcon 18. But I want to make sure I'm getting what I pay for, and the zcon is a lot of money. So does this sub perform as well as other subs in the same price range
  5. rythe88

    Zcon 15 or 18

    Thanks for the fast feedback. And no one was hurt. No one was in the car. Is there a big difference in sq between them. I have never seen a ride with 18s before