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Everything posted by allConfused

  1. allConfused

    Question for Nick

    i cant wait till summer summer=no scool=more work hours=more money=more spare money=SI components to try out hehe ill have a nice collection of speakers to review for everyone lol
  2. allConfused

    Question for Nick

    yeah im talking about the car audio stuff now. i would assum they would sound better since they are quite a bit more expensive than the ones i listed above. i found a few people in forums and luckily they replied to PM's fast. everyone who had them had nothing but grreat things to say. not one complaint. not even one mediocre statement. so hopefully i made the right move by getting them about 5 minutes ago. if not o well, i couldnt see a possible way for them to be much worse than that 70 buck speakers. espeically since im getting 2 for 20 bucks more than 1 of the MW144( 70 buck speaker)
  3. allConfused

    Question for Nick

    hey cani get a little help from everyone on htis, i got a PM a bit ago that some guy wil sell me these morel speakers the WR4 series car audio morels. i found prices and they are like 250-350 that ive seen but i just cant find any graphs, info, or anytyhing on them. can someone pls help me out. by the way im getting them for about 1/4 the retail price for the pair whitch is why i really wanna find info on these. id really appreciate if anyone can help me find info or reviews or anytying on them cuase who knows this might turn out the deal of a lifetime. thanks guys.
  4. allConfused

    Question for Nick

    soundillusions.net do you know how it compares to other popular midranges. like the vifa p13?
  5. allConfused

    First no post day

    i belive this is the first day ive even been in the SI forums where there wasnt any new post or tpoics hehe.
  6. allConfused

    cloth or fleece?

    at home depot in the fiberglass section they have a cloth special for that, i found it really easy to wirk with. its thing and slightly strechable but tis like perfect for resin. they way its designed you would think resisn pours right through it from looking but it stays right in place. and when it drys i think it becomes fiberglass. it must be fiberglass based becasue it become completely see though and smooth. you can not tell there was ever any fabtric. great stuff to work with.
  7. allConfused

    15 inch d2 box help

    hey i was just thowing together some fast 15 inch box approximations and if i stood the box up so the sub was firing at the back of the front seat i could only get 1 inch of wood at the top and bottom of the box becuase the speaker size it to big ( i got a max of 18.5 in so with 3/4 in mdf i get 1 inch of space at top and bottom. is that enough space or should i sit it down so the sub is firing upwards. if i do that i can get plenty of room. if i face it upward would it sound any differnt?
  8. allConfused

    15 inch d2 box help

    ok i found displacement in an older forum. so with my design i got 2.33608 CF after ALL displacement. thanks for help all.
  9. allConfused

    Comparisson of woofage

  10. allConfused

    15 inch d2 box help

    how many CF does the 15 inch D2 displace?
  11. allConfused

    15 inch d2 box help

    but, how would i live?
  12. allConfused

    15 inch d2 box help

    hehe i was just worried about the wieght of the basket breaking the mdf becuase 1 inch left on the top and bottom is nothing. i did some measuring and im just gunna have the sub fire upwards toward the ceiling. becuase the seat angles slightly down and then the other part (back rest) angles slighly back. i like a challgne so im gubba design that box to where lies perfectly flat. its not gunna be sitting at an angle from the seat thanks for space recomendations too. ill try for 2.4 cubes net, lol if i can find money to buy the sub first :thud:
  13. allConfused

    Magnum 15 pre-order

    lol im running around looking for all the extra money i can ge together right now. would there by chance be a small discount for pre-orders?
  14. allConfused

    Magnum 15 pre-order

    just a quick question, did all of the 15 inch subs get bought out last time on pre-orders or were there still a few left after they arriveed?
  15. im thinking of buying a 15D2 and giving my 12 to my bro when will hte next 15's be released? and for the stealth audio plans ill be back in like 5 min with some pictures. ill shoot some pics of my new truck and show you what im gunna do.
  16. allConfused

    15 D2 availability?/stealth audio plans

    dang that sucks. i was hoping to pick one up in Mid May
  17. allConfused

    15 D2 box plans

    how much would plans for a 15 inch magnum D2 cost? i want something tuned low for MAX SQ SQ is the only thing i even care about and i heard that a properly built ported box could actrualy yeild better SQ than a sealed.
  18. check this place out easy way to set your gains http://forum.sounddomain.com/forum/ultimat...ic;f=2;t=030419
  19. allConfused

    15 D2 availability?/stealth audio plans

    ok heers what im doing with it. im gunna make a fiberglass mold to cover just where the headunit is. it will wrap over that thing sticking out like 2 inches that the HU is in too. then of course ill cut out a hole for the HU to be visible. then im gunna make a lip on the top and bottom of the HU hole. fabricate a pieace of black plexi or something that will cover that hole. it will be mounting in such a way that the pleaxi swivvles up and down. so i can swivvle it up and ill have a hand screw there. when i screw the screw in the plate wont be abe to come back down. so it will provide shade on the screen so i can see it easier. hehe shade and cover all in one. i cant wait to show you guys the finished product of this whole car
  20. allConfused

    15 D2 availability?/stealth audio plans

    its a 1994 chevy z71 4x4 extra cab! yay thats her! http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/...99/540512_5.jpg http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/...99/540512_6.jpg thats where ill have my midbass mounted. kinda right that it has that 2.5 inch overhang there. makes mounting depth easier to work with midbass install will have the speaker depressed in a bit and i will cover it with speaker grille cloth. http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/...99/540512_7.jpg back here is where the subs will be. im gunna make a 3 piece set of covers for it. the entire backseats wil be covered. heres a pic to show you kinda how i wil do it http://community.webshots.com/album/129283556AdsfQg they way he hidhis subs is similar to what im doing. thats how my whole back row will be. and it will be split in 3 peices so i can take outthe middle, left, or right side seperatly for passengers. http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/...99/540512_8.jpg http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/...99/540512_9.jpg my soon to be modified center console. im going to cut out a sqaure box in the side. instal sliding rails and a platform for the active crossover to sit on. and in the sqaure hole ill have a piece of black acylica or plexi that will slide up and down for the openeing. i have to do it this way becuase the way the inside opens up while im driving hard to explain. makes it easier for on the driver tunning. brb with last picture of my head unit instal, so i can explain the mod ill be doing to that.
  21. allConfused

    D2 loves the new viper 1200d

    sorry for my ignorance but wat does "accentuates" mean?
  22. allConfused

    A little about us at SI

    i dont work for SI but with the amount i think about si and new things that could happen and audio in general, it would only take 2 weeks of reading on how sub parts work and i could easily imagine mysekf working for them lol
  23. allConfused

    Moving assemly pics

    im not to familiar with how subs work but that metal post is a voicecoil right? i so thats damn big compared to other stuff ive seen
  24. allConfused

    Moving assemly pics

  25. allConfused

    D2 loves the new viper 1200d

    lol i will run it at 1 ohm. i was just commenting on that typo for th 4ohm. anyone wanna comment on thatbass eq thing ? and commenting on tirefryr post, assuming the directing audio amps are better its a win win situation becuase from this ebay seller i can get it for about 10 bucks more than a price match on sounddomain for the hifonics. plus it just look awesome!