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Big E

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Everything posted by Big E

  1. There still isn't one. It's going to be install-dependant, and what your definition of "best" is. Some subs that could take that power nicely are the Fi BTL, Incriminator Audio Death Penalty, RE MT, Sundown Nightshade, and Mach 5 SPL.
  2. Big E

    Giant telescope

    No, it's an HD video simulation of someone's fantasy from (early 1900's?) ... I didn't read the link, but I know what you're talking about and it's just an art concept. Called a Telectroscope, right? no, read the article It uses camcorders and streams videos from each side. If they could make a tunnel from London to New York, they wouldn't do it for a "Telectroscope".
  3. Big E

    6k RMS, which subs to get?

    I agree. Remember...no replacement for displacement.
  4. Big E

    6k RMS, which subs to get?

    Do you have the electrical to back up 6K RMS? Looks like you're skimping out by buying a below-quality amp in the Crunch...I'm hoping you have a 300A/dual 300A alternators and at least 4 deep cycle batteries...
  5. Big E

    Anyone have knowledge about ED SPv.2's?

    ICIX is probably the only place to find people that like eDuh anymore.
  6. Who actually asks the one person that can give them a straight answer nowadays? Forums are the way to go!
  7. Big E

    Look at this box design...Opinions Please!

    Yeah, it'll have an 8 X 19 rear deck opening.....I guess I'd like to know if someone has used this design in a trunk car and did it perform better than a ported box??? How do you figure it's tuned to 35 hz?
  8. Big E

    1999 Chevy Blazer ZR2

    Kicker K-series. Sweet! One problem though: the speakers are Polk MOMO's, not Pro 60's.
  9. Big E

    1999 Chevy Blazer ZR2

    Mmmm flush mount Amp rack (need to clean up wires...possibly make a false floor to get them off the box)
  10. Big E

    1999 Chevy Blazer ZR2

    That could be where I went wrong; I used the roll-on stuff.
  11. Big E

    Another 2nd batt question

    That wasn't the point. I'm saying that if you call a company asking if you need a product they sell, and it is applicable, albeit unnecessary, they will still tell you that you need it. I'd like to see proof of premature failure due to a lack of isolators.
  12. Big E

    1999 Chevy Blazer ZR2

    Well I got the box built, and I'm happy with it 3.7 ft^3 @ 30 hz. I used the dupli-color truck bed liner and I'm thoroughly disappointed. It didn't cover well at all...flat black paint would have been just as good. The Blazer is in the shop right now getting the doors fixed...I'll snap a few pics of the install and the box fully painted later on tonight or tomorrow.
  13. Big E

    Another 2nd batt question

    Do me a favor and call Stinger and see if you need a capacitor
  14. Big E

    well the new laws official

    I almost feel bad for you.
  15. Big E

    Who wants a FREE DP 18?

    Do we have to leave one feedback for each person? Or how is the drawing going to work? Are you going to put our name in a hat each time we get a referral, or each time we send a feedback?
  16. Big E

    New and First HT Setup

  17. Big E

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    If you're worried about cost, the SSD is a fine subwoofer.
  18. Big E

    new car

    Call the dealership and find out
  19. Big E

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Also don't forget, you'll need to buy an SD card with either camera you pick. I suggest either the SanDisk Ultra or Extreme...the size is up to you. The Ultra and Extreme have faster write times so they're good if you take a lot of action pictures.
  20. Big E

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Both are going to be very nice cameras. If you want to play with them in person, your local Circuit City should have both of them on display. I'd pick the Rebel XSi over the 40D just because I can't justify spending the extra money for the 40D.
  21. Big E

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Work on my Blazer pretty much stops until Thursday. I have to drop it off to have the door pins and bushings replaced...the doors sag pretty bad right now. There goes another $200
  22. Big E

    5.25 inch vs 6.5 inch components

    You play your sub up to 100 hz? Your crossover point should be right around 60 hz...
  23. IMO the customer service of Sundown is bar-none the best I've ever dealt with for any company. SSA is a close second Honestly though, all three are going to do what you want them to do. I'm a Sundown fanboy now so I am a bit bias if it comes between those three. Then again...my cost on a zx1500.1 at Circuit City almost makes it worth going to the Kicker....
  24. Big E

    1999 Chevy Blazer ZR2

    Did you try playing music without dropping the headliner first to see what it was like? I was hoping to avoid dropping the liner; I imagine it will be a pain. I've got the sun/moonroof and the overhead console so I don't know if it's going to be worth the extra effort. My 'peakers showed up today (Yes, I am going to be running them passive.) I've got the floor and the walls deadened and ensolite'd. I plan on having the door pins and bushings replaced before putting in the speakers as they have to take the doors off anyway. I'll be running RCAs and power wire tomorrow/Monday and most likely building the box Monday as well.