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Big E

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Everything posted by Big E

  1. Big E

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    I knew something looked off... Fixed Oh, and this is what the last logo would look like in motion ...more or less, anyway.
  2. Big E

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    I went for a more "classy" look on my first few, and a gag one just for the hell of it ^Still needs work ^Gag ^Still needs work ^More or less finished Edit: Fixed spacing. Thanks platnum accord.
  3. Big E

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    I had a few questions, figured I'd ask them here so everybody could have the answers, level playing field 1) Is there a certain color scheme you're looking for? 2) Is there a certain size logo you're looking for? 3) Is the winner going to get a sub with the logo screened on it? 4) Any other specifics you're looking for?
  4. Big E

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    Well, this logo contest has peaked my interest I haven't used Photoshop in a while, but I'll do my best