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Keith f

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Everything posted by Keith f

  1. I just installed my new IA 6.5s comps (2 sets) using the rear 2 mid bass only, they are on the IA 6.4 amp, they sound really good but when I try to get the right mid bass coming thru one has a pop to it, and they are just not as loud as I think they should be,so I am looking into the rainbow CS 265.25 just wandering if anyone here as any experience with them , and are they louder than my current set up,I am also using a death row 12 in a sealed box( yes sealed ) and it sounds great it does not miss a beat it is in a 1.34 cu box , any suggestions would be appreciated , 2000 celica
  2. Keith f

    Anybody used Rainbow CS series ?

    Thanks for your help, the germaniums are on the way and I will see what they do
  3. Keith f

    Anybody used Rainbow CS series ?

    Oh the CS series I am looking at are the germaniums CS 265.25
  4. Keith f

    Anybody used Rainbow CS series ?

    They are in my doors in factory locations with tweets in the sails, I have the doors sealed up pretty good and I have egg acoustic foam in the doors also, my budget I would like to stay under $800 if possible , love the DR and really sounds good sealed, I just have to keep it down so I can hear my highs, thanks for any help
  5. Keith f

    Anybody used Rainbow CS series ?

    Looking for a whole new set up
  6. Keith f


    I am new here just wanting some info on the incriminators comps,I am looking at doing everything in ia products which my lethal injection is on the way I plan to order the 6.5s (2 sets) and the 4 channel amp from ia,any input would be great , I want just a good sounding daily driver
  7. Keith f


    Well thanks, everything is on order, 2 sets of IA comps & the IA 6.4 amp along with the IA LI 12 once I get it all in I will post my review with pics if I can figure out how to get them on here
  8. Keith f

    15" Lethal Injections

    You might be right, but I will never put a ported setup in any of my rides. I just ordered a LI 12 that is going in a 1.39 cu box sealed , I hope it to perform as well or better than my current set up, I have been waiting a while and I am ready to get here! I also have 2 sets of the 6.5 comps and the 6.4 IA amp on the way I will post review when I get it all in