You have to look at alot more than xmax. What size voice coil does is have, how many windings does the coil have, what size spiders and how many, qms, qts, qes, vas, bl, fs after break in. there are many different things. many
Hey guys, I messed up in the past on Meade's board and let my anger get the best of me. I don't start problems, but I can't help finishing them when I get pushed. I was the xXxOuTLaWxXx, but I would like if somebody could change my display name to OuTLaWeD. I'm sorry if I have offended you in the past, but I ask that you don't bring that stuff here. Thanks guys
Ive always found in a truck that downfiring the sub works best under the rear seat. Building a ported enclosure is as easy as building a sealed enclosure, its just the design that will throw off a novice builder.
Too much power. Its always been said that if you have to ask then yes its too much. As for the pricing you'll have to hit up your local dealer because iirc they dont cross into other AA dealers territory