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Everything posted by OuTLaWeD

  1. OuTLaWeD

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    ummmmm, what just happened?? Odd people around the world.
  2. OuTLaWeD

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    it is true that larger enclosures decrease power handling. They do rec. 1.5-2.5 for a ported enclosure with the sub that you have. while it's true that a smaller enclosure has an effect on efficiency it does help mechanically control the sub thus letting the sub handle more power. i have always liked to run on the larger side for enclosures, but keep the port size on the smaller side for the back pressure (mechanical control). i would go with an enclosure that is around 2.5cubes with the port being around 30 square inches tuned to your 28hz.
  3. OuTLaWeD

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    i really don't see how he's over driving the sub. years ago i have overr driven some Alpine Type R's at double their rated power at 3 cubes each and the only problem i had was thermal. taking an AA Havoc and running a 1500bd on it shouldn't cause a problem. i would say to build an enclosure at 2.5 cubes after all displacement, 28hz glue the crap out of it and use plenty of screws, make sure your x-overs and gains are set correctly and let it rip. i really think it was your enclosure that was causinng all the issues for you.
  4. OuTLaWeD

    BC 1100.4 PROBLEM FED UP

    for sure^^^. with the amp looking like it was dropped and everything you guys still replace the amp. that really is going above and beyond.
  5. OuTLaWeD

    New Guy from Cali

  6. That has been a problem from almost day one on that site. Very sad. sounds like SMD also. that has to be the worst forum for nuthugging. if your not a nuthugger then your banned, if you disagree with another member who has a higher post count than you then your banned. i dropped **** when they started making their members pay.
  7. why don't i see or hear much about these guys anymore? i guess i missed something
  8. OuTLaWeD

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    i usually free air the sub on low power to see if i can hear anything mechanically. you can try that first if you want, just turn the volume up a little bit till you get the cone moving on a low frequency test tone.
  9. OuTLaWeD

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    try puting the sub in another enclosure and see how it performs, like a sealed enclosure that way you can eliminate that from the equation. i think it may be your enclosure
  10. OuTLaWeD

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    so if you have your gain on the amp set at half the sound is still there? where is the gain usually set at on your amp? what head unit do you have and what are the settings set at on it?
  11. so they are more of a 2ohm amplifier then?
  12. OuTLaWeD

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    for that cubic footage and tuning the sub shouldn't be bottoming out. what is your SSF set at? what type of music do you listen to? what is the gain on the amp set at and also what pre-out voltage is coming from your head unit?
  13. OuTLaWeD

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    i had a screw let loose on an enclosure one time and it sounded like the subs were bottoming out. what are your enclosure specs? and this is for one 12in Havoc right?
  14. from my understanding if you run the amp how it's supposed to be ran for a daily setup (1ohm with the electrical to back it up) the amps are great and you'll never have a problem with them.?
  15. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    damn, i got extremelly waisted last night i can see. sorry i poured all that crap out on you all.
  16. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    checkmate, your done
  17. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i am that lion that roars at the beginning of the video.
  18. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

  19. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my dad has more rank so i'm not affraid of that. i do appreciate you for who you are and you should know that for sue
  20. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i;m a better man than you presume. if you only knew what i would do for her
  21. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

  22. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you have really hurt me and i have no fuking i dea how to tell you. i use to be a really bad guy and kick the living shit out of you, but that was years ago and i'm sorry for everything i've done and have told you that. i'm so fucked up right now that i don't know what shes thinking. i've tried my hardest for the last 5 yrs to be the best man girl could have. i have done back rubs, and much more because of the guilt i've felt for treating her so bad early in out realationship. now she just runs me over like you woudn't even believe
  23. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

  24. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i really can't stand my wife anymore, but i'm going to listen to my song
  25. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it's like this fucked up marriage was arrainged in some way