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Everything posted by OuTLaWeD

  1. OuTLaWeD

    Building a box for 2 Obsidian 15"

    what size amp are you going to have on these subs? you should always factor that in as well. if you are running higher power levels to them you want to keep the box volume down a bit, but if you are running around the rms range for the sub then going larger will be louder and more efficient. I vote 7.5 cubes@30hz
  2. OuTLaWeD

    Building a box for 2 Obsidian 15"

    I would get all of the variables entered in so you have a better idea of the tuning and the net volume of the enclosure.
  3. OuTLaWeD

    how much for measurements?

    www.ram-designs.com can also give you some great designs
  4. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    why can't I have Verizon fiOS in my area? come on Verizon I hate my tv and internet provider!
  5. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just get a fat life insurance policy. but not so much to make them wanna test out your coverage! na, I want to be around for them so I can help them all through lifes peaks and valleys. I want to be able to take the pain off their shoulders and maybe hold it for them if or when the time comes and be there to provide for them. I like knowing that I work hard for my family every day. its what keeps me waking up day after day
  6. OuTLaWeD

    Need your input on frames/subwoofers...

    IMO 1/0 is really excessive and there isn't a coil out there that can handle even half of that of power the 1/0 is capable of. I would think 4awg at most would be sufficient that way a guy could run 8awg for wiring a pair of subs together. I do like the basket design though and it sounds great. do you have any drawings of the full assembly?
  7. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    have a good night man
  8. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you always have to look at it in different ways though. not just if she took half of your shit, but would you be happier without her. you can always gain your possessions back in time, but it's hard to find a good woman
  9. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that's why i'm glad that my wife and I have a good relationship. none of the fighting and bitching that I grew up with. my kids are a hell of a lot luckier than I was
  10. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am getting a little twisted tonight in celebration of life. don't worry guys I won't shower down a barrage of music on you that you don't enjoy. EVERYTHING IS GOOD TONIGHT
  11. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    throw her in the gutter and go find another that's what I have always said
  12. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my life would be stress free if I didn't have kids. I don't understand why people go so nuts over their GF or wife when they don't have kids and aren't married. if shit went crazy in my life and I didn't have kids I would pack my shit and walk out without any thought. it would be great
  13. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah man, at 30yrs old you would never think something like this could be possible so you think the worst. when you have 4 kids and a wife you have to work for you know there is no time to die, they need the money you provide and the time you can give them
  14. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well, my head is clear after many months. I guess the pain I have been feeling in my chest isn't my heart or my lung, it's just anxiety. I really thought I was dying. I have never felt that way before and it scared the shit out of me
  15. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah, after my wife hops out of the shower I look at the drain and think a sasquach just got out of there. are you sure your not mistaking your significant other as the sasquach also maybe? lol I'm so furry I'm goin' gorillas. I like to keep my shit down. get you a good razor and some gel and go to work. back, chest, the business, it's all good to go.
  16. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    dude, her hair goes half way down her back! it's crazy man
  17. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah, after my wife hops out of the shower I look at the drain and think a sasquach just got out of there. are you sure your not mistaking your significant other as the sasquach also maybe? lol
  18. i think you would be very impressed with an Icon. the Icon has more excursion than the BL, it has a lower FS than the BL so it would give you more low end and a smoother frequency response in a sealed enclosure. both are great subs and both made in the usa, but i think you would get more sub for your money if you went with SSA
  19. OuTLaWeD

    does port direction matter

    i'm a fan of large, more efficient enclosures. I know as the volume goes up you'll lose cone control, but I also know that with the amount of power your running on the 12's that you would be perfectly fine with the 10 cubes after displacement and it would gain db's as well. you just have to make sure like always to set your SSF properly and make sure that you don't have a lot of port area so you can maintain back pressure within the enclosure to help control the cone better. port placement within the enclosure will also have an effect on cone control.
  20. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it seems people outside of MN have no idea about the old tall tales. Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Pecos Bill, none of them.
  21. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hate to say it, but you will have to get it scanned. Once you find out the codes we can go from there. Depending on the year, I have seen many Chevy/GMC S and T vehicles with bad modules making the pedal spongy. But usually they don't throw codes. A yellow light indicates an ABS system issue, typically electrical. A red light is a mechanical issue. It is generally indicative of either a low fluid issue, or a pressure inconsistency. Low brake fluid levels will trip both lights. Went ahead and got it checked out at the shop. Looks like its just an ABS sensor. I'm going to go ahead and buy it from my source in Baytown and replace it this weekend. nice! atleast that should only cost you about $40
  22. OuTLaWeD

    does port direction matter

    in my opinion your enclosure is too small. I would shoot for 10-11 cubes after displacement
  23. OuTLaWeD

    does port direction matter

    there will be a difference from the port facing up and the port facing the rear. in an suv you can hear the difference between the two setups. it will be louder with the subs facing up and the port towards the hatch. not much louder, but it was still audible to me. can you give the total outside dimensions on the enclosure? that would help a lot also. what vehicle is this going in? what are the port dimensions and you said the enclosure is divided? what thickness is the wood? all of those would help us out a lot in determining whether or not the enclosure is sufficient for those subs.
  24. OuTLaWeD

    Fi BL with fire dust cap *pics*

    very nice sub! you should really enjoy it