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Everything posted by OuTLaWeD

  1. OuTLaWeD

    J-roadtatts DCON enclosure build!

    ditch your IE and get Chrome
  2. OuTLaWeD

    J-roadtatts DCON enclosure build!

    i see everything just fine as well. nice job with the enclosure!
  3. OuTLaWeD

    New Dedicated Server

    this is great guys! thank you
  4. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    hhhmmmm, Avi didn't seem to change
  5. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    forum seems much faster now! THANKS Mark!
  6. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    i was wondering the same thing
  7. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Smoothie isn't juice as it includes all pulp. Liquifying veggies takes a Vitamix or Blendtec. Otherwise it will fail. If you are just adding veggies to a juicer that can still work but you end up with something much less good for you. My Ninja liquifies quite well. those things will turn peanuts into peanut butter in seconds and ice into "snow" as my daughter calls it in the same amount of time. awesome little machines
  8. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    sad truth, but the Vikings suck. i have a love hate relationship though
  9. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP

    9'ers kicked some ass. revenge for the ass kicking they gave the Vikes!
  10. i'm suprised the SMD V2 hasn't poped up on this forum yet. i know that most of us don't like the guy behind the name, but you still can't deny the sub itself and that it's Ascendants sub and not the idiots with the name on it. i would like to see some info on this thing and see some updates as they come. i wish they would rename it also, but i highly doubt that'll happen.
  11. can we get the external enclosure measurements of your enclosure and also port measurements? when i first started building enclosures i had this happen to me once and i realized that i built my enclosure wrong.
  12. OuTLaWeD

    Crescendo Logic AGM Batteries

    the price is right though! worth a try at least
  13. OuTLaWeD

    Sundown X-15 Video on SAZ-3500D

    Because there is no release date yet, read a few post above when he answered the question for you earlier in the thread. "Release date is pending...." thought possibly that he might have had one now
  14. OuTLaWeD

    Sundown X-15 Video on SAZ-3500D

    do you have an idea when these will drop? i guess i didn't see a release date
  15. OuTLaWeD

    Sundown X-15 Video on SAZ-3500D

    really, really wish the 18's had the new frames. might just have to wait till they do. i don't want to buy the 18's and a few months later the new frames come out or buy the 15's and be unhappy because i didn't get the 18's.
  16. OuTLaWeD

    What are some really good deep hitting 12s?

    i'm tuned to 28hz and when my bass drops people run out of buildings
  17. OuTLaWeD

    Sundown X-10 / X-15 / X-18 Prototypes Here

    i might have missed it, but were the T/S posted?
  18. OuTLaWeD

    XCON dustcap VS. a ratchet

    oh man, thats never good. at least you got everything worked out and won't be down for long
  19. OuTLaWeD


    yeah, you would definately be much happier with a properly designed ported enclosure. if you went somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.5 cubes@30hz it would sound pretty decent imo. where are you planning on putting the enclosure?
  20. OuTLaWeD


    can i ask though what type of music you mostly listen to so we can get a better idea of what were dealing with?
  21. OuTLaWeD

    Sundown X-15 Video on SAZ-3500D

    i think 2013 is a good year for a Sundown Hummer
  22. OuTLaWeD

    What are some really good deep hitting 12s?

    first i would figure out what subs you actually want then we can come up with a great enclosure recommendation. as for the tuning i would go somewhere around 32hz as that should pick up everything you listen to pretty well. as stated before, the Gcons will get down also. bang for the buck you won't find a sub that will compete with SSA.
  23. OuTLaWeD

    What are some really good deep hitting 12s?

    what type of music do you listen to?
  24. OuTLaWeD

    Whats taking up my time now (Twin Turbos inside)

    i've always had a thing for the fairladys
  25. OuTLaWeD

    breaking in subwoofers

    i've never broken in a sub even though for years many people believed you had to do this. hook it up and turn up the volume