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Everything posted by OuTLaWeD

  1. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    God damn Jon, you are a hated man! Lol wtf
  2. OuTLaWeD

    The Judge

    Hey, I've got one of those! A lot newer, but I still call her the judge. Life or death:)
  3. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    So whats going on Jon? You seemed a bit worried. Hope all is well!Edit: I would have read further. Hope you get the job!
  4. OuTLaWeD

    Help with system going active

    Hell, I live in Iowa and we grow some major produce around here you southerners have no idea!
  5. OuTLaWeD

    Happy Birthday ricksi30!

    Happy Birthday!
  6. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Oh come on guys, wake up and get this ihop going
  7. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Been watching Shark week all day on Discovery, this shits pretty cool actually! I've never been into stuff like this really, but once you start watching its pretty hard to turn the channel
  8. Yeah, for me personally I like to run with less port area. If I were building my own enclosure for that sub I would be around 7.5 cubes also, but I would still stick with around 120ish sq. In for the port
  9. That's the reason I went back and edited my last post. A conventional ported enclosure is essentially a chamber with a port. A t-line is the port and the chamber. They are completely different so you can't compare the two.
  10. I think you'll be just fine as long as you have the settings on the amp properly set.
  11. OuTLaWeD

    Had to get another truck

    Does look pretty nice dropped. Are this Crager wheels? Nice touch to a classic
  12. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Nope, no problems here
  13. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    What makes it the best for you? I am trying to avoid downloading anything, but if there are reasons that would also help me I'd do it instantly.This browser reacts just like a browser would on your PC. After you download it go into setting and turn flash to always on and it makes the experience even better. The browser is lightning fast and doesn't compromise detail to picture. I also downloaded the Dolphin desktop toggle add-on so its easier to switch from mobile to desktop view. I also forgot you can put the browser on your sd card so it didn't take up the room on your phone.
  14. Sonicelectronix has them as well
  15. OuTLaWeD


    If they called it the 2014 Warden would you still be angry? Probably not because you would think they were releasing it early. Calm down kid
  16. OuTLaWeD

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Really like this Dolphin browser beta on my phone! This is by far the best browser I've found so far and I have gone through a lot!
  17. OuTLaWeD

    Happy Birthday MKader17!!

    Happy birthday man!
  18. You have to look closer at this enclosures though. The length of the line or "port" is what keeps the pressure or "vacuum" on the cone.Edit: its hard to compare any of those enclosures to a traditional ported enclosure. They are COMPLETELY different in damn near every way.
  19. OuTLaWeD

    Had to get another truck

    nice truck, but im with Ryan and ecromeans on this. that Biscayne was sexy!
  20. OuTLaWeD

    Which sub should I choose

    Both are a great choice. Just flip a coin
  21. Since I've heard and have actually got to play with the Hifonics BRZ series I'm going to have to say go with the new Hifonics BRX or BRZ amp
  22. Your just trying to get your amp sold. There is a section for that you know
  23. OuTLaWeD

    chat? yeh

    Alright so I guess beta sucks and I still have to load manually