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Everything posted by JasonTeasley

  1. JasonTeasley

    Custmer Service????

    Audio Innovations 2900 Towson ave. 479-646-8388
  2. JasonTeasley

    Custmer Service????

    I am a dealer in Fort Smith Ar and im curious if anyone knows if ascendent has gone out of bussniness or just a shady bussiness. I have been tring to get my 6 subs back for 4 months now due to leads being to short on the assassin subs. At first they said they would not fix them, then said they would due to a manufacturing defect after further reveiw, but now they are not answering there phones, emails or returning calls from voicemails. If any one is having the same issues please post. This may put a spark under there butt. I've made this same post on Ascendants Facebook page to hopfully get a response and low and behold the post was deleted.....
  3. JasonTeasley

    Custmer Service????

  4. JasonTeasley

    Custmer Service????

    Thank you for a your response. As a dealer I have to tell my customer why there subs are not back from warranty yet. I did not want to post on other sites to get a response but I was left no other choice. I understand this is a busy company as I am also but Customers need to know sometimes what going on with there products. No emails that I sent dont even get answered along with the calls. I have got one responce Over a month ago, he said subs were in and he doesnt know why I havent recieved them yet and he would let me know whats going on but never heard anything else. I have had to supply my customers with loaner subs untill theres come back which gets costly .I hope you can under stand my frustration ...Dont get me wrong ascendant subs are great subs, been inpressed with them other than this tensal lead issues on the assassin subs. Again thank for your response
  5. JasonTeasley

    Custmer Service????
