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Everything posted by 16K

  1. 16K

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    nice. not to far.. what kind of system do you have ?? haha thanks bro... ya the more i think about it the more i wanna do a wall.. just gotta get a good design
  2. 16K

    door flex 2 12'' Fi btl n2's

    nice flex. whats the setup ? how many watts rms ??
  3. 16K

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    lol thanks bro... ya im in love with it so far... cant wait to get a hair trick going i live about a hour east of KC in a small town called knob noster lol
  4. 16K

    btl 18

    as long as he can fit a 4.5 ft3 or bigger box in the car....id say go with the 18 but i agree if you cant fit the proper box for the 18 then go with the 15..
  5. 16K

    Best amp or amps to push to BTL 15's

    when i bought my 2 18" btls i went with 2 hifonics brz2400.1... 2400wrms @ 1 ohm each.... only paid 320 bucks for each amp too on ebay...
  6. 16K

    btl 18

    go with the 18"
  7. 16K

    what will fit

    o you'll be happy with the fi btls... i love mine... kicker 2500wrms amps seem like a good choice for them... i would run 1 or 2 xs power d3100 batteries.... then look into a mechman alternator like allen said...
  8. 16K

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    Ram designs on here is one option. I as well as many others on here can help you through the process. sounds good ill look into ram designs and see what i think..
  9. 16K

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    hmm.. if i can get a good design im sure i could make it myself. just gotta find someone the designs boxes....
  10. 16K

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    im thinking the same thing... i was thinking about getting these boxes now... but i doubt it would make a difference... opinions ?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATREND-RE-AUDIO-XXX18D2-18-VENTED-SUB-ENCLOSURE-BOX-/390306301765?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae0118745
  11. 16K

    Jd377 97 Civic HB Build Log

    haha thats what i was thinking with my 2 18's... hair trick ftw lol i still havent had the chance to try it yet... but im sure it will work... heres a link to my thread btw.. finally got some pics and a vid of my setup
  12. 16K

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    Interesting swap. I was thinking D15. That's a DX isn't it? mine used to have a d15 in it.... around 60-70whp LOL... now with close to 400whp its a lot faster ya its the dx model
  13. its kind of a trick lol... in my hifonics manual it says the brz1200 takes a 120amp fuse... the brz1700 takes a 170amp fuse... the brz2100 takes a 200amp fuse.... and my brz2400 takes a 250amp fuse... and the 3000 takes a 300amp fuse... even though i dont think they make the brz3000 anymore cause i cant find them anywhere...
  14. 16K

    91 Civic Turbo'd and 5000wrms

    each btl is in a vented box... the port is on the bottom of the box right by the batteries... 6 cubic feet each... tuned to 35hz heres a link to the boxes i bought. a little cheap i know... but it does the job for now http://cgi.ebay.com/ATREND-18LSV-18-VENTED-CAR-SUB-ENCLOSURE-BOX-6-CU-FT-?cmd=ViewItem&hash=item5ae2ad7952&item=390350076242&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 lol i just uploaded it so its still processing its a dohc zc... pretty much equal to a ls
  15. 16K

    Some badass video's from IFO this weekend.

    wow only 1 18 on 4000 wrms and it does that... im impressed... my 2 18s on 5000 wrms does about the same thing.... whats your box tuned to ?
  16. just cause the subs voicecoils burnt up doesnt mean you'll be able to feel it by pushing the cone in lol....the sub will still feel the same.... i bet the voicecoil wires burnt up and snapped... especially if you have smelled it before... and you have smelled it more than once... they finally probably just snapped...
  17. ya you can either link/strap SOME amps together if they have the master/slave option.... or you can daisy chain amps which is what i do... if your amps have a rca input and output...then run one set of rcas from the cd player to #1 amps input... then run another set of rcas from #1 amps output to #2 amps input.... remote wire is the same... run one wire from cd player to #1 amps remote... then run a wire from the #1 amps remote to #2 amps remote... pretty simple actually...
  18. 16K

    Jd377 97 Civic HB Build Log

    once you get those 4 10s in i wanna come hear it i live about a hour away from KC.... maybe i can come up there and we can compare systems as i have 2 18's on 5000wrms in a 91 civic hatch i always love watching build logs about civics so i cant wait to see this done... i plan on taking some pics and starting a thread of my own ill give you a link when i do.. keep up the good work.
  19. 16K

    Fi's Sub Line-up

    BTL FTMFW!!!!
  20. 16K

    Where is my basket??

    ive ordered 2 18" subs from Fi in the past and they have answered every question i have had by email within a day or 2... i love fi audio and will continue to buy from you guys.... :thumbs up
  21. 16K

    Some badass video's from IFO this weekend.

    whats your setup ?? how many watts rms ??
  22. im running 2 hifonics brz2400.1... very good amps for the price... im running them with 2 18" fi btl n2's ( id suggest getting them im running a xs power d3100 battery and a mechman 220a alternator and its perfect for my setup...
  23. 16K

    I royally have f'd up this time.....

    MMMmmmmmmm haha. gotta love them jello shots. me and my girl went to a party last night and ya we did drink a good amout (of busch light ) and the whole time we were just talking about all this. she says shes not pregnant and to stop worrying but something inside of me tell me i should still be worried.... so she might be pregnant... and shes drinking.... wow...