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Everything posted by 16K

  1. agreed on makin the FLEXX thicker i like that idea too about the 0 being a side of the sub vibrating the FLEXX
  2. 16K

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    love this build... 4 15s in a small geo... wish i could hear this monster
  3. it takes time to build a team im sure i can find some local people to join... if they have a good enough system
  4. i like that. When i was in the hood i lived like 5 mins away from him. His family is related to my extended family. went to a couple of his concerts up in burg when he used to come play here.
  5. 16K

    How did you guys find SSA???

    found SSA from clickin on the forum button on Fi's website
  6. 16K


    listen to this man ^^ welcome btw
  7. 16K


    lookin good bro
  8. 16K

    alternator wishes come true??

    glad to see its working out for you... 240a for 200 bucks... what a steal
  9. 16K

    another noob

  10. 16K

    amp for FI BL 12

    the brz1200 would be fine but you could use the 1700 if you wanted...
  11. 16K

    amp for FI BL 12

    hifonics brutus amps are good. i used to own 2 brz2400s b4 i sold them for a stetsom 14k2d
  12. 16K

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    haha i hate that message ^^^ you just going with one zcon ??
  13. 16K

    Sundown eg

    lol looks whose talkin shit over the net ?? grow up
  14. 16K

    Sundown eg

    lol whos this guy? i didnt see anything in the noobie sign in. always gotta talk shit dont you ? does that make you feel better about yourself LOL ?
  15. 16K

    major flex

    all i can say is damn...
  16. 16K

    Sundown eg

  17. 16K

    Sundown eg

    nice to see another civic hatch on here
  18. 16K

    Brownm3 Build Log

    nice setup i like the flex what songs were you using on the demo ??
  19. 16K

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    nice lookin amps... wonder what kind of numbers you will hit with those compared to the 10k
  20. 16K

    4 re audio se 15's or 1 zcon 15?

    That's why we're here. The formula is pi times radius squared btw. ill remember that. thanks
  21. 16K

    4 re audio se 15's or 1 zcon 15?

    ahh i see. good to learn some new things