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Everything posted by 16K

  1. 16K

    World's LOUDEST Trailblazer

    +1 cant wait to see what it does with the 9k's
  2. 16K

    Mac's GTI build

    would look sexy with the black rims!!! DO IT
  3. 16K


    any windshield flex... thats when you know your loud
  4. 16K

    Sub Comparison

    i thought they were too ^^^ ya go with the 2 BLs .... and yes get the internal lead option
  5. 16K


    ill take em all
  6. 16K

    When a pair of Double Deez just isn't enough O_o

    damn those motors are huge... great looking subs cant wait to see the numbers you hit with them.
  7. LOL at the center console piece flappin ^^ nice flex vid though !!
  8. it should be able to charge back up if its not that old... charge it and see if it will hold it
  9. yep just go thru all the wires and check for anything loose
  10. 16K

    '08 Dodge Caliber build

    not bad... cant wait to see more pics!
  11. 16K

    '96 Bronco build

    lookin good so far!
  12. sounds like a loose connection on the rca's or somewhere...
  13. 16K


    lookin good so far
  14. 16K

    '02 F150 zcon & AQ build

    why are you pics sooo small.... keep them large before you post them... looks good so far... in for more pics..
  15. 16K

    4 IA 20.1S on 4 PSI 18s!

    haha very nice... exactly what i wanted to see
  16. 16K

    Single woofer to replace two SA12s

    SSA ZCON... Fi BTL N2....
  17. 16K

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Mids are lookin good bro Happy New Years btw!!
  18. 16K


  19. 16K

    New Year, New Website. The New SSA.

    Upgrades look very nice!
  20. 16K

    I just talked myself out of a sell.

    big 3 prob wont eliminate the prob completetly... he'll be back
  21. 16K

    21" Warden and a SAZ 3500

    what the fuck are you talking about. LOL x2
  22. 16K

    2 18" ZCON's on a Digital Designs M4a!!!

    lol good shit bro.