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Everything posted by 16K

  1. lol some amps have 2 pos and 2 neg for speaker wires...
  2. 16K

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Nice triple post lol ^^ Sell the icon to help pay for things
  3. 16K

    amp suggestion

    Aq2200... Brz2400.1
  4. 16K

    Help! Screws keep backing out!!

    Thicker, longer screws
  5. 16K

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    Heck yeah man you really got me moving by getting the btls. I wanna see your build too it should be wicked loud as well. Thanks bro
  6. lol thats what im saying... i have like 100ft of cca just laying around that im not gonna use lol. anyone needs some tsunami 1/0 gauge hit me up
  7. 16K

    Hyundai elantra HB

    Google Sketchup, isn't made specifically for enclosures, but works quite well. kk thanks!
  8. 16K

    ZCON 15 enclosure build log

    sucks to hear about the DC amp... keep us updated!
  9. 16K

    18" subaru outback build

    X2 please rewire that power and ground wire going into the amp. X3 cut the extra wires that are hanging out so it can fit into the amp better... Box looks good though... Fi <3
  10. 16K

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    glad i could help you out with the build thanks again for the 15s bro cant wait to see how this one turns out
  11. 16K

    Hyundai elantra HB

    What box designing program is that?? Tuned in.
  12. 16K

    bld9220's first real build

    that plasti-dip looks VERY good!
  13. 16K

    sundown lincoln

  14. I <3 my 4/0 cable from weldingsupply.com Good pic though
  15. 16K


    Www.audiosavings.com - good place to get batteries. Free shipping
  16. Thanks got 2 cans of copper shield in the mail today.... phuckin 60 bucks for 2 cans so it better work lol ... says it lasts up to 10 years too so we'll see http://stormgrounding.electrical-insulators-and-copper-ground-bars.com/copper-shield.html?gclid=COCsq-P7iq4CFQReTAodp0Hvxw
  17. 16K

    Dual 2 or dual 4?

    D2's and run it @ 1 ohm
  18. 16K

    ATTN!! :: Julian!

    Lol dreeeeew.. If I was on Team SSA I would beat all yall
  19. 16K

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    sucks about the brace breaking... but atleast u fixed it and it sounds good
  20. open it up and look for burnt spots or blown capacitors
  21. 16K

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    love the last photo with the bridge!!