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Everything posted by 16K

  1. 16K

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Well looking in person they do look identical and if you didn't know the differences in the subs its fairly easy to make that mistake. agreed the outside characteristics look exactly the same... im sure the insides are a little bit different
  2. 16K

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    lookin better and better
  3. 16K

    Team Decent "Moneyman" build

    damn nice flex !!!
  4. ask stefan how about his expierence with dc power go with the MECHMAN !!
  5. 16K

    Melting Speaker Terminals - Fi SSD

    did u have it wired to 1 or 2 ohms ?? im pretty sure that amp is only 2 ohm stable
  6. 16K

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    rack city bitch
  7. 16K

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    lol ^^^ damn this is gonna have some SERIOUS SQ... wish i could hear it when its done..
  8. 16K

    18" in an Escape build

    cant wait to see more progress
  9. 16K

    Fabrication for my 2001 Elantra Gt

    lookin great !! and welcome !!
  10. if your alt. went out your voltage would immediately drop down to 12s and would just go down from there...
  11. 16K

    Is this you Aaron?

    gawd damn your a beast !!!
  12. 16K

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    hell ya im excited for ya bro... cant wait to see it done
  13. 16K

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Very nice. Looks like its gonna be really loud
  14. 16K

    Team SSA @ SBN 2012 Video Thread

    very nice guys !!
  15. lol seen this yesterday when it was uploaded on c a c o.... i agree with u pro-rabbit, hopefully a VERY large refund
  16. 16K


  17. 16K


  18. 16K


  19. 16K

    a Broke Ninja's Celica build

    celica looks good !! why so many curves to the port in the box .... is there a point to that ?? not being a dick but just wondering lol
  20. 16K

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    damn looking good !!!
  21. a 4 gauge cca kit would be better than 8 gauge ofc... but if u have the $ get the 1/0 gauge kit and yes u can run the door amp off the 8 gauge wire...
  22. very nice!! cant wait to come up and hear it
  23. 16K

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    i like the first design for the amp rack as well.. that dcon box looks sick!
  24. 16K

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    sounds good just let me know ill PM u my phone #
  25. sounds good!! cant wait to see this new box... senchez u better post pics