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Everything posted by 16K

  1. im pretty sure i do got the alt hooked up with 4/0 tonight... got the buss bars cut and the holes drilled....got 2 grounds done for the rear batt bank.... gonna do 4 grounds altogether when i get more time... but the car is now runnin on 6 batts.... starts up so much better... and the car itself is more responsive now.... hard to explain lol.... forgot to bring my camera though so ill take some pics of what i did tomorrow... need to raise the rear of the car up as well lol... sits lower than the front cause of the batts... it didnt really lower any in the rear with the box and the subs... but once the batts went in it squated like a mofo lol...
  2. 16K

    Armykyle1's Build

    sexy subs bro!! now get that d3100 hooked up
  3. 16K

    Too many options...

    Dual 1 would probably be best, wired in parallel/series, will give you a final impedance of 1ohms, which most sub woofer amps are stable at. this
  4. 16K

    i think i messed something up

    try turning the lph filter OFF on the headunit and use the lph filer on the amp and see if that helps...
  5. lol not getting the electrical done til tomorrow but tomorrow ill be cutting the bus bars, drilling the holes in the bus bars, hookin the bars up to the batts and hooking up the alt with 4/0 cable and running it back to the batts... then finally i can hook up the amp and get the front done. will have pics tomorrow
  6. 16K

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Damn that blows u used money orders.. Only thing u can do is go to that guys hometown and press charges.. But still prob wont help..dont feel bad tho ive been ripped off giving someone money orders too...thats what sucks about dealing over the net..
  7. 16K

    Gotta Love Local Shops

    X2 agreed i always solder, then use heat shrink...... then i use tape
  8. 16K

    Fi Car audio

    ive ordered from Fi around 4 or 5 times now... NEVER been dissappointed
  9. me too ... took a day to get it done... but i had nothing to do since i have to wait on my dad to get the electrical done...plus it made me feel better once it was done im tryin to get the back area finished... then ill work on sealing the front off, bracing the roof and putting the front cover on. thanks kyle
  10. You aren't kidding! With the amount of rise, we can run all 9 off an American Bass 1100.1 and be right at about 1 ohm, should be in it pretty soon! sounds like a good plan !!
  11. thanks man. ya tryin to get it done so i can finally listen to it lol yes hoping to get the wiring done tomorrow since im off... but we'll see lol
  12. very nice. now get more power on it !
  13. 16K

    our mini vacation in Port A :)

    looks like you guys had a great time !! love the beach.. such a beautiful place.
  14. did this just for you opened her back up and now each sub has a set of 8g going to the amp... so 8 wires all together( 4 pos and 4 neg) since im going out the back passanger side of the wall and not the back anymore i made a little plug: its all back together now but to dark to take a pic
  15. 16K

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    getting louder
  16. hmm i know i can make them fit in the firewall... but dont really wanna make custom brackets off the alt to make it work lol... ill try to make 2 runs of each fit.... if not ill just do 1 run per neg and pos then... thanks everyone !!
  17. Ok I have a mechamn 220a alt... Gonna use 6 xs d3100s... Was planning on running 2 4/0 runs for alts positives and 2 4/0 runs for the alts negative....well after looking at it I dont know if it will work... I don't have much room on the alts posts... Or much room in the firewall...Would it hurt me just to do 1 run each of 4/0 for the alts neg and pos?
  18. 16K

    help with my decisions!

    4g wire might be fine.. but i would still go with 1/0 incase u wanna upgrade later on... this is the kit i bought when i ran my hifonics 2400w amps... http://www.ebay.com/itm/TSUNAMI-AMP01BL-1-0-AWG-GAUGE-WIRING-INSTALL-AMP-KIT-/350558632971?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519eec3c0b&vxp=mtr like others said do not get a cap... spend the money on getting another battery for the back if your only gonna listen to music and no comps tune 33hz... if you plan on goin to some comps tune between 35-38hz...
  19. 16K

    Fi N3 PRICES!!!!!???????

    just lock this thread and ban him already lol...
  20. 16K

    2 12 inch zcons in a 94 bmw :)

    its going to be a Nendo 5500d just hope i have the electrical for it nice. ya you may need another d3100... guess you'll find out when u get it installed lol
  21. 16K

    2 12 inch zcons in a 94 bmw :)

    whats the new amp gonna be ??