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Everything posted by 16K

  1. peaked at 55hz... first burp of the night...outlaw in the kick: 158.9db music: 157.5db sealed on the dash: 157db on music:
  2. 16K

    Incriminator audio give away please vote!

    i voted for the other guy
  3. 16K

    4 15's and a 08 yukon

    damn thats crazy... atleast they couldnt get anything !!
  4. 16K

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    Wow that came out great !! very nice !!
  5. 16K

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Very nice !!
  6. Got the alt installed im done playing on it til it cools down a little... 100*+ weather sucks.... plus i dont wanna blow the subs before i get it metered !!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9P3rgQ4ElA
  8. sent them a email yesterday asking why it has the same pulley on it.... " Tim- Yes, that is because it already had the large racing pulley on it. I was not aware that you already had the larger pulley on it when I was working with you by e-mail. The standard overdrive pulley size that we send out is 1.75”, The pulley on your unit is the 2.35” underdrive pulley. You will not have any problems over speeding the alt with that pulley ratio. Matthew Young " sooo.... im gonna go put on my alt and maybe have a few vids later i just wont drive fast anymore
  9. 16K

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    ya hes been tryin to sell them for awhile now lol
  10. 16K

    4 SSA Zcon 15's in a Taco

    sounds good man. ill be tuned in
  11. 16K

    4 SSA Zcon 15's in a Taco

    to the ear it gets very nasty but doesnt meter to well at the moment. im not impressed with numbers right not for what it is but still have lots of work to do 151 @ 34 hz on music maybe take off the 90* pieces on the port ?? by lookin at the vids it looks like its a beast
  12. 16K

    4 SSA Zcon 15's in a Taco

    meter yet ??
  13. well got my Alt today.... i opened the box and was kinda dissappointed as the alt still has the same size pulley ??!! so now i have to call/email them to see if they changed anything or wtf....
  14. 16K

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    Hell ya man run that crossfire 8k... Specs look nice on it!
  15. 16K

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    subs look sexy bro !! tuned in for more
  16. 16K

    Happy burfday Nick!

  17. 16K

    Local Competition Results!

    not bad
  18. 16K

    Metered the hccas for the first time :)

    not bad... soo close to that 150
  19. 16K

    help me decide my next move,

    i voted
  20. 16K

    5k Amp?

    lol talk to Julian on here... he has a PowerBass 5K amp that im sure he will sell you....
  21. 16K

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    lmao thats fucked up... i would of told him to get his ass out of my car lol...